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Gru's News: LegendarySi

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ZappyGru's Avatar ZappyGru
Level 69 : High Grandmaster Batman Senpai
Welcome to Gru's News! Today marks another exciting chapter as I welcome LegendarySi, our third interviewee in the series. LegendarySi brings a wealth of experience and insight, promising to ignite imaginations and spark thought-provoking conversations. From tales of triumph to lessons learned, LegendarySi's journey is sure to inspire us all. Join me as we unravel the wisdom and inspiration he has to offer. Welcome to Gru's News!

ZappyGru's text is in purple and LegendarySi is in orange.

Tell the audience a bit about yourself!

I’m Si, and for those who don’t know, it’s pronounced “sigh” as in Silas, my real name. I guess you can also just call me Silas, a lot of people do. I’ve been on the site for over three years doing basically nothing. Yet somehow I’ve been involved in everything. So yeah, I’m just here to have some laughs and occasionally post a skin.

The name, "LegendarySi," seems to be unique! Who or what inspired you to have that as your username?

My Mom actually came up with it! I remember years ago when I first got Minecraft on my dad’s Mac for Christmas, and my Mom was helping me make an account. So it’s just my nickname and a word that doesn’t describe me well combined, and I’ve kept it since then.

I like the orange and black style of your character! Any reason for how you came up with these colors?

I just like the look of it. Orange can be a dark or bright color, so bends with what I want the character to be.

I've also noticed some changes over recent months about your avatar and the color palette. Could you give us a brief history of these changes?

As people have said, it was inspired by NF. He used to wear all black in his old albums, then for his HOPE album he switched to all white. Plus I’ve been feeling a lot happier recently and white fits that better lol

Are there any secret/future projects that you're willing to share with the rest?

I’ve been practicing digital art recently, and got some help from some friends on it. I’m hoping to post some soon but I’m not sure how soon.

Out of all submissions on this site, which one would you consider to be your favorite? This can be one of your creations, or someone else's.

I’m not sure I have a favorite, and it definitely wouldn’t be one of mine lol. I’ve always really loved ShadowOnTheLoose’s art, BlueBoyBuilds skins, JustaFlqmingo’s models, and your pixel art. I couldn’t choose a favorite though.

You seem to be the type of person to partake in many community events! What sub-community would you consider to be in?

I used to participate in a lot of roleplays, especially in the PMC wars that happened last year. They were fun but I got tired of the confusing chains of comments that make the roleplay inconsistent. So for the most part I just wallpost now.

Do you have any accounts outside the platform? (Send links to them!)

My Discord is legendarysi, which I’m not sure I can link. Besides that I’m not really active anywhere except PMC.

There's been a running gag that has recently ended about some folks claiming you to be a penguin. How did all of this start?

It was just a dumb joke Purpl3_ made about my old pfp looking like a penguin. I humored him at first, even made my discord server penguin themed as a joke. But several months later he was sending “I hope you die” messages over discord. So it escalated to say the least lol. And the joke got old quick anyway. I wouldn’t call it harassment or anything because he’s just a kid with a bad sense of humor lol, if I let it offend me that’s my fault.

Do you have any memories relating to the site that stuck out? This could be a positive or negative event.

Countless memories lol. When content_inc guest book’d me asking to play MC, which then lead to an almost two year friendship that I hope lasts for years to come. When Greppi invited me to his MC server right before leaving for several months, leading to us becoming friends. And countless more, I just can’t start or I’d never stop lol. But my friends know who they are.

Your most popular submission as of now is The PMC Cemetery. What is it about, and were there any scenarios that surprised you at the time?

The Cemetery is mostly for lore/roleplay, but it also doubles as a way for people to keep up with who’s active and who’s left the site. I’m honestly just surprised it became my biggest submission lol.

Do you have any hobbies outside of PMC?

I love to write, and I love doing 3D rendering. It’s a lot of fun. I just haven’t done much as of recently.

What's your favorite type of content to work on?

3D rendering for sure.

What are some of your biggest goals for the future of your PMC account?

Leave of course /j
I have a lot of ideas, but they’re all big and I’m too busy to do most at the moment. So the future of my account depends on my work irl.

Any helpful advice for someone following your footsteps?

In all honesty, I haven’t left much of a footprint to follow lol. If I inspired anyone to do more than just make funny wallposts I’d be surprised.

If you could suggest one improvement for this platform's community, what would it be?

Live PMs like a chat room, or a least no limit on PMs.

What is a skill that you hope to achieve sometime this year?

Digit art probably.

What's your favorite color?? (I threw this one in for the funsies.)

BlueBoySmurf, the best Crayola color

Are there any final statements or inspirational speeches you would like to say before ending this interview?

I don’t have any inspiration exactly lol, but I would like to say thank you to all the people who’ve made my time here so great. And to my friends. You guys mean more to me than I know how to say.
But if there’s any advice I’d like to give it’s just to relax. Nothing online should ruin your mental state. If someone hates on you, chances are your life is much better than theirs. So don’t let them get to you. And yeah, that’s it.

  As I conclude this captivating conversation with LegendarySi, I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to you, our dedicated viewers, for staying with me till the end. Your engagement and support mean the world to me! If you have any comments, questions, or reflections, don't hesitate to share them in the comments section below. Your feedback drives the heart of Gru's News, and I look forward to hearing from you. Until next time!

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02/29/2024 7:11 am
Level 52 : Grandmaster Dolphin Dolphin
KaiOceansword's Avatar
LegendarySi I always thought Si was pronounced like "See"
02/29/2024 8:35 am
Level 46 : Master Baconator
LegendarySi's Avatar
nope lol
03/12/2024 11:11 am
He/Him • Level 36 : Artisan Warrior
Elightin_elytra's Avatar
Same here. I always said "LegendarySee"

But I also knew your name was Silas just by looking at your username
02/28/2024 7:52 pm
She/Her • Level 43 : Master Procrastinator Kitten
GalaxyCat24's Avatar
Woah, awesome! I love the questions, and great responses!
02/28/2024 6:52 pm
He/Him • Level 44 : Master Lemon Cake
CrownDeluxe's Avatar
finally B)
02/28/2024 6:46 pm
He/Him • Level 56 : Grandmaster uwu Birb
JustaFlqmingo's Avatar
That jawline :O

Si I didn't know you had such a chadly jawline behind that mask

also, ty :)
03/12/2024 11:12 am
He/Him • Level 36 : Artisan Warrior
Elightin_elytra's Avatar
LegendarySi was on a mewing streak. I can't right now because I'm a flag!
02/28/2024 6:40 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Ranger
entitymoon's Avatar
02/28/2024 6:12 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Sweetheart Mountaineer
TheMountaineer's Avatar
02/28/2024 6:04 pm
Any/All • Level 50 : Grandmaster Meme Birb
TheGlitchedRobin's Avatar
When my interview
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