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Griefing your own creation... The story of an evil TPing machine

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mantisclaw's Avatar mantisclaw
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
On june 29 2014, i tried to create a teleporting machine in vanilla. It didn't work very well. I used a comparator and redstone at the last minute... and BOOM the machine went bad. It kept teleporting me to a location. I had keepInv on so i spammed /kill. First i tried to hit it. Then blow it up. Then I finally saw the water in my inventory and griefed it! i waited for it to TP me, and it didn't. Goodbye evil machine!

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06/29/2014 6:33 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
dhi_holo's Avatar
That is very, very funny! Maybe next time do not activate the clock module.
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