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GPRealEstate Critical Exploit Solved

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NullCase's Avatar NullCase
Level 25 : Expert Scribe
At the end of 2017, I discovered a serious exploit in GPRealEstate. GPRealEstate is a Minecraft server plugin that provides a means to automatically and securely transfer title ownership to a Land Claim. This is one way that Liberty Minecraft uses smart contracts. Offering a means for you to easily trade any of your property is a goal for me. I decided to solve this problem.

Let me illustrate how the exploit worked. Imagine you buy enough ClaimBlocks to create the smallest possible land claim. This size varies from world to world, but in Liberty Minecraft the minimum size is 2x2 which is 4 claim blocks. It's the minimum cost to claim land. During the last four years this was also the minimum cost to claim the entire world. Oops!

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