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George Not Found - The Adventure of A Girl In The Forest - Page 11

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GlacierArts's Avatar GlacierArts
Level 30 : Artisan Theorist
Just as a tear had slid down her cheek the wind had whispered to her, “You and I will meet again here someday.”

Sadness had made George numb, and she did not struggle when her parents made her follow them back to the house. They never apologized and it took a considerable amount of time before her parents let her visit the lake with their consent. George went to the lake often, hoping for some sign of him, but alas found nothing. After a time she started taking care of the wildlife around the lake as she knew he would have. The lake became her home, her shelter and she dared not abandon it. George could not face abandoning him, even if he was some fantasy she had dreamed up. So she stayed, waiting for the day he would write his messages in the sand once more.

A single tear slid down George’s cheek. Before she could wipe it away the mist shifted and absorbed it. It bounced and it swayed along the forest trail, trying to cheer her up. She obliged and darted in and out of the thickets along the trail. Every time George jumped out of the thicket the mist would let out a little shriek of surprise and burble in laughter. They continued this game of peekaboo up until the forest’s edge. If Twitter or Angel had spoken to George along the forest trail, she had not heard. She did however notice the new mist creature’s worried little blurbs.

“It’s alright little buddy, I won’t be gone long,” George said trying to console it. But the mist creature only shivered as if it was being left out in the cold.

George dashed out of the tree line and into the sunlight. If she got into the house quickly, then maybe she could get out just as quick. At least they didn’t have a dog, that would make things so much more complicated. George stopped mid-thought, a police car was parked in the driveway. That definitely made things more complicated, or did it? For all practical purposes, she was invisible. George doubted it extended to her clothing, but the water cape probably had some kind of invisibility enchantment on it.

George went around to the back door and let herself in. All she had to do now was go upstairs and make her way to her bedroom. The cop and her parents were chatting in the living room by the sound of it. How long they would stay there was debatable, but she felt like she would have enough time to grab her stuff and get out. As a safety precaution, George left Twitter at the top of the stairs. The small bird would initially go unseen but would easily be able to fly back to George for a quick escape if necessary.

When George walked into her room, she was very pleased to see it just as she had left it. All her survivalist stuff was neat and tidy, ready to be taken adventuring at a moment’s notice. George took her sheet off of her bed and used it to store her small ax and many set of clothes. Then she tied it into a bundle and carted it off down the stairs, before gingerly opening the back door and setting it right off to the side. A trip to the pantry was in order before she left.

Hope you enjoyed the story and have a good rest of your day! :D

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