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Game Review: A Story About My Uncle

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Zatharel's Avatar Zatharel
Level 50 : Grandmaster Sweetheart
We all love Steam Summer Sale right? I mean, games with like 75% discounts and all that, who doesn’t love games with a discount? So when I saw this game was at a huge discount, I just had to buy it. It had been sitting on my wishlist forever and I really wanted to try it out, so I did.

“A Story About My Uncle” opens with a father telling a bedtime to story to his daughter. The story is about an adventure this man had back when he was very young.

The actual gameplay part starts at the house of this boy’s uncle who has been missing for quite some time. We learn that his uncle was an adventurer and an inventor. In the house, there is a special designed suit which we will go over later. After finding a strange device that launches us into the air, we arrive in a cave system.


Using the suit, it is possible to grapple between parts of the cave. This is the main mechanic that the game uses. Besides the grapple, the suit includes a high jump mechanic. All of these are used to go around the cave systems and eventually reach our next destination.


After going through the caves, we’ll arrive in a village full of creatures that walk like humans, but they look like frogs. We encounter Uncle Fred’s friend, Maddie, a young frog creature girl who will help guide us through the rest of the journey.

From this point on in the game, the goal is to go through the rest of the caverns and find Uncle Fred. I won’t spoil the story beyond, instead I’ll leave you to buy the game for yourself and explore it.

The suit also includes rocket boots which are found later in the game. These can be activated mid air and they can make you fly (rocket) for a short duration of time.

The part that I enjoyed about this game isn’t the speedrun design, it isn’t the fantastic graphics and story, it’s the fact that it gives me a feeling of nostalgia. The entire adventure of looking for Uncle Fred sounds like something taken directly from one of my childhood imaginations about great adventures in other breathtaking worlds.


Even Uncle Fred himself says near the end of the game that we must have our own adventures, find our own breathtaking worlds. This is an encouragement to go beyond the game and explore the amazing world we have. So then, what are you waiting for?



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