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furries the good the bad the ugly

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bliz's Avatar bliz
Level 20 : Expert Ranger
so first of ill define what a furry is because the second I say that word some people not to name names here cough cough vampierbite7 comment things like this "EEEEWWWW GROSS THIS GAVE ME CANCER" and I just copied and pasted that but this is not a hate blog but a furry is a anthropomorphic animal and for those how don’t know what anthropomorphic animals are its basically animals with human traits like emotions and the ability to walk on two legs ect. I am a furry my furrsona is bliz the blue artic fox. Now some furries have fursuits witch is suit of your furry. we are generally nice friendly people but before the comment section blows up remember I said generally in everything there’s always going to be "bad" people but a surprising amount of people discriminate against furries I don’t go into my jr.high library because I get harassed for being a furry or just asked idiotic questions porously to annoy me so I just wanted to write this short blog to discuss some things about furries as always xoxo bliz

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karma police
06/01/2016 9:28 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Network
karma police's Avatar
I Dont Relleh Know Whai SUh Much Haters Tuh Us...
Yah,We May Look 'Freaks'' Or ''Kid-ish'' But Yah,We Are Whu We Are.If We Liek Doing This Crazy THings,Well Den,Its Our Problem,Some Peepz Say Dis Till Dey Meet A Furry...
Some One Say ''Eeeew'' But Well,We Are Just Crazy Peepz Dat DUh Dish As A Hobby.
Its Liek If Dey ''Ewww'' At Cosplayerz (I Include Muh,As A Cosplayer & Furry Tho)
Anyways,Yah Some Peepz Duh Very Gross Fandoms,But Not All!
Just,I Would Like Peepz Meeting Who Really Are Duh Furries...Den Dey Should Know What Are We Realleh Are...
Devi The Panda
05/30/2016 11:21 pm
Level 41 : Master System
Devi The Panda's Avatar
Furries are always tagged as freaks because of the "un-mention-able" side of the fanbase.
There is really a lot more to the fanbase then just them to begin with but people suspect that they all are the same, to be honest it's somewhat like saying that all of one race is the exact same person.
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