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Ohana_girl08's Avatar Ohana_girl08
Level 31 : Artisan Musician

Forgive me

As I headed down the grimy street back to my makeshift apartment I passed by a man holding an old, rusty knife. While I kept to myself and continued on my way down the path, I heard shuffled footsteps from behind me. When I turned around to see who was following me, I was taken by surprise to once again see that man that was holding the knife. "Drop your purse," he demanded. With my whole body trembling, one word came out with much difficulty. "No," I said, trying to sound stern even though I was terrified. His facial expression changed to a slight smirk. While he looked right into my eyes he pressed the knife to my breast. "Drop. Your Purse." he demanded once again. "No!" I said as loud as I could. Hoping that my small act of defiance would save me some time, I brought my knee up between his legs, quickly and quietly. He screamed out in agony and dropped the knife. I stood over his still writhing body, and picked up the knife. I gently placed the tip along his breastbone. As he lay there, now becoming the one afraid to lose his own life, a single tear slipped down his cheek when he said, "God, please forgive me." He kept repeating this sentence over and over until I slowly retracted the knife from where it was momentarily residing. "Thank you," he gasped. I slowly stood up, now hovering over his body. I grabbed his hand and helped him up from his place on the ground. Once again he thanked me, but I was still angry about what had happened only minutes ago. As he turned to walk away, I sat on the ground, and let the tears fall from my eyes.


Sorry for my recent inactivity, school is hard, and I have a lot of stuff to do now days. I really enjoyed writing this short story, and if you'd like me to write others, please leave a comment and a diamond. I would love to do a story request but I know I'm not really popular enough for that kind of stuff haha.


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