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For Artists. c:

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LookItsASnek's Avatar LookItsASnek
Level 5 : Apprentice Crafter
"The expert in anything was once a beginner."
- President Rutherford B. Hayes

If you're an Artist and you feel Uninspired, stuck on an Art Block, or just feel like you can't draw/paint/etc. as well as another person, trust me, i've been there.

But if you're just starting out, or trying to develop a style, or other things like that, look up at the quote. You can always get better with practice. I'm sure you're capable of it. I believe in you.

I was once A person who complained that I wasn't "Good" enough at drawing. Looking back on it, I was a pretty bad Artist. But I practiced. Sometimes I cringe just looking at my old drawings. (In addition to that, I made a lot of Mary-Sue OCs back then, so you can see why I cringed.)
Heck, Sometimes I look at other people's art and compare it to mine. It's not always bad. Sometimes I am Jealous. It's normal. Sometimes I think of what I change to do better. Sometimes I look at my OCs and see what I can change about them. You can do this too.

So, what i'm trying to say here is; DON'T GIVE UP. I was close to it close to before, but i didn't quit.

Sooooo... I may add more things to this later, but this is what i got for now.
mY hEAd HUrTs.
Bai Baeb. c:


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Marker Juice
10/02/2015 10:20 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Artist
Marker Juice's Avatar
So true! Practice really helps, I practice a lot and get better because of it. Great blog!
10/01/2015 10:30 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Explorer
Limonn's Avatar
Buhbiiiii :3
09/29/2015 8:49 pm
Level 56 : Grandmaster Magical Girl
ktteek's Avatar
--3-- Bootyful
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