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Flam Models: Halo Infinite Lone Wolf Artaius Armor

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JustaFlqmingo's Avatar JustaFlqmingo
Level 56 : Grandmaster uwu Birb
A little project I've been working on for a few days :)

Artaius is a helmet from the Rakshasa core in halo infinite. It was employed by spartan Hieu Dinh in Season 2: Lone wolf. I decided to base this set off of his set, since I loved his choice of armor configuration. This set is lowkey one of the best, and the helmet in game is just ✋👌. I tried my best to replicate the helmet, but it took a couple of days since the helmet is always the hardest part ;-; At some point in early development it looked like this monstrosity lol Flam Models: Halo Infinite Lone Wolf Artaius Armor
For most of my halo helmets, I have to take a few days at minimum to get the helmet right, so that's why these things usually take decades. A good friend of mine ended up telling me to ditch the angles and go for squares since low poly angles look weird against blocky hive styled squares. What's funny is that in game this helmet is actually more on the square side, meaning the final product resembles is a whole lot more that what I just showed above :P I ended up spending some time adding strings and tape to give it a rugged look of lone wolf spartans behind enemy lines. The opposite of pristine. That doesn't mean it can't look good though! I've always liked rakshasa because of how gritty and wartorn they looked, in contrast to the pristine armor worn by everyone else.

I ended up changing the colors for the set and making it more TCL themed, and I'm really, really, proud of how this turned out :)

I love these renders lol

Flam Models: Halo Infinite Lone Wolf Artaius Armor
Flam Models: Halo Infinite Lone Wolf Artaius Armor
(P.S. the gif is a bit fuzzy because canva went doo doo)

Have a good day, and, if you enjoyed, consider subscribing! Subscribing helps motivate me to pump out more content for you bottom feeders to indulge on
/j for you guys!

Have a good day,
CreditHive Games, Halo infinite.

2 Update Logs

Update 1.2 : by JustaFlqmingo 03/19/2024 4:10:41 pmMar 19th

Added a different chestplate (AAP/KARD Plate) and reworked some some slight details

I forgot to add back the knife when uploading the model, so here's the knife on the newer chestplate

I also changed some tweaks for the backplate version via colors and making it slightly shorter

The Sketchfab version is also available to view here!

Thank you for reading this :)

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04/19/2024 9:28 am
He/Him • Level 19 : Journeyman Sus Sus
LittleJimmyGaming's Avatar
fireeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee this should be a hive costume
04/12/2024 3:32 am
Level 33 : Artisan Procrastinator
REACH's Avatar
yoo wait thats sick

it looks just like the guy that's with iratus (i forgot his name)
04/12/2024 6:39 pm
He/Him • Level 56 : Grandmaster uwu Birb
JustaFlqmingo's Avatar
Dinh :D

I based it off of his set~
03/19/2024 6:22 pm
Level 46 : Master Sweetheart
SpartanHarv's Avatar
I know how to use blockbench-
Only if I could make my own :sob:
03/20/2024 4:40 pm
He/Him • Level 56 : Grandmaster uwu Birb
JustaFlqmingo's Avatar
Skill issue /j
03/15/2024 4:38 pm
Level 39 : Artisan System Geek
SatoshiHikari's Avatar
this looks good flamingo! great job!
03/13/2024 10:14 am
Level 35 : Artisan Nether Knight
W1ther_Skeleton's Avatar
Please make this stuff into an armor! If it’s JSON, than it should me easy!
03/10/2024 4:10 pm
Level 28 : Expert Waffle
KongPlayz's Avatar
this needs to be a hive costume
03/09/2024 1:39 am
Level 30 : Artisan Skinner
27mosquitoes's Avatar
Looks incredible!!!!! I've been yearning to learn blockbench lol.

great stuff, helmet looks perfect imo. you working on a big project for this to be included in? like a halo bedrock map or someth?
03/19/2024 4:17 pm
He/Him • Level 56 : Grandmaster uwu Birb
JustaFlqmingo's Avatar
I wish, but I'm not a marketplace creator :P

This is however, part of a halo project/series of some blockbench halo infinite armors and dioramas! Currently, I just make my models as a hobby, but I aim to one day use my skills to make a small profit :)
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