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Farm Craft Minecraft Review!!

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StaticSnake's Avatar StaticSnake
Level 8 : Apprentice Hunter
Hello Everyone!!!

Today I will be reviewing a server known as Farm Craft!!
As always I am taking review requests so if you want a server or yours to be reviewed, simply message me and I will see what I can do!!

Without Further Ado, Lets BEGIN!!!

Alright, right off the bat the spawn is pretty neat. It's set up like a usual spawn exept more... Farmy I guess. I really like it because it takes some exploring to find all the shops. There are even some hidden shops which I found to be pretty cool to find! It has all the shops you will need to progress in the game.

So lets get into to the fun stuff, the gameplay! The gameplay works like a usual farming game would work except there is a small twist. First of all, your wheat replants itself and grows much, MUCH faster than you would be in Survival or SMP. Secondly, every crop is important such as your wheat, sugarcane, potatoes, carrots, and even trees! You will need every one of them in order to succeed. By the way, the main goal of this server is to make your farm the biggest and to become the richest! (Well those are my goals anyways.) The game doesn't really have a goal to it, it's just a chilled out server to have some fun on. Third, you will really want to get some animals like sheep or cows (Pigs don't seem to work though) these animals are reharvestable or consitantly give you resources, they are a HUGE part of the game.

One thing that I love about this server is the crate system! This system makes it so that when you gather your crops you have a chance at getting a crate. The crate rankings are Uncommen, Rare, Epic, Legendary (Sorry If I Missed Some.) Let me tell you from experience, it was AMAZING when I got my first Epic crate just the urge to open it was like opening presents for a birthday or something of that nature, it's just....awesome really. It's also kinda wierd but I just let it happen so whatever!

One thing I forgot to mention was the little things called FarmCraft Tokens! These also work like the crates, every time you gather your crops you have a chance to get a Token. These tokens are used as a side currency to buy upgrades or materials. You can trade these into larger ones. It goes: 5 Small Tokens=1 Large Token, 50 Large Tokens=1 Full Chest Token.

Another thing that is kinda small but it's a nice touch is the generators! You know those tokens? Yeah you can trade those for generators which either generate cobblestone or Iron Ingots. However, if you get the New Generator it gives you diamond scrap which, once you get the Premium Generator, can be turned int diamonds!

One last thing before I wrap this up, the staff of course. The staff are quite nice although one of my friends had an issue with one (I'm not saying ANY names) but this staff member was trying to help but used a poor choice of words. So my friend was at my other friends plot, we were in a Skype call and we decided to mess with him a little bit. He got mad, which makes sense, then he called over a staff member, the staff member said, and I quote "(Friend Name) please leave." Sounds fine right, well my friend took it a little differently, see the poor choice of words was "Leave" this staff member could've said "(Player Name) Please leave (Other Player Name)'s plot. My friend misunderstood it as "Please leave the server" So staff watch what you say because you don't know how they are going to take it.

I classify this server as a....... LAID BACK SERVER!!!
This server is definetely fun and really addicting but I classified it as a Laid Back Server because it's mainly about the community and seeing you and your farm improve!

IP: Farm.mc-mu.net

This One Is Probably My Longest Review But There Was So Much To Cover!

Anyways, Thank You For Listening, I Hope You Enjoyed And If Your Ever On Don't Forget To Tell Them Where You Came From!

Bye Buds,


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05/03/2015 2:55 am
Level 43 : Master Network
hooptiecoupe's Avatar
For anyone thats interested,

heres a link with more information about this server,.. the owner, there website,
rules, that kind of thing LINK
05/01/2015 7:13 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Hunter
StaticSnake's Avatar
Thank You Guys For Making This My Most Viewed Review!!!!!! :D
04/30/2015 2:59 am
Level 43 : Master Network
hooptiecoupe's Avatar
Hey dude,
Its good to see others doign reviews on this server. Its a truly fun server.
I've personally been helping to market and endorse them for about a year now.

AdamisAwsome is a great server owner. I miss the old plotme days,
but there new personal and private plots are pretty awsome :)
I still get on this server about once ever 2 weeks to hang out and build.

I'd highly recommend this server as well.
In fact in my Server Review Listings, Several players endedup giving this server an A rating.

truly a great server to check out guys
04/29/2015 11:23 pm
Level 40 : Master Wolf
Axiim's Avatar
sounds really cool
04/29/2015 5:28 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Miner
anonpmc1665509's Avatar
04/29/2015 9:42 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Hunter
StaticSnake's Avatar
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