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Fake Friends

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You Good's Avatar You Good
Level 30 : Artisan Geek
Okay so I had a "friend" I guess you could say she was my "best friend: I guess not anymore ;D She said "I lied" "I hurt her" and more stuff LIES Let me just tell you I am not like that. She said I talked bad about her behind her back no I did not yes I did go to my internet best friend and tell her what was going on bc she doesn't like the girl I am talking about. Yes I did talk about what was going on and my internet best friend knew most of the stuff that was going on. Imma just say my internet best friend so it is easier for me okay Mary she knew most of what was going on. But it was not my fault that you start most of it then turn it around on me when I said "I was done" I meant it. You have put me threw so much I have been done with you for so long and yes on msp I did mean what I said. And if you think I am gonna be crawing back to you I am not gonna be doing that. And I'm sorry that other people I have in my life talk to you :OOO I can't control other people. And I can't help if Mary talks to you okay? She knows everything you have put me threw and she can't stand how bad you treat me. Don't even think about msging me ;D You where just a fake friend ;D So just to let you know I am a great best friend. I know people that know me better then you. They would say the same thing. I love how you said I back stabed you when I didn't or how I will never be a best friend. Really pls tell me how I will never be a best friend. I am there for them and a lot more. :D

Okay so if you are reading this and you are not the girl I am talking to :OO I didn't mean to be mean I could have said a lot more but I'm good

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08/27/2016 11:44 pm
Level 1 : New Network
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You Good
08/27/2016 11:47 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Geek
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