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Factors that affect the popularity of your Minecraft Project

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minecraftfreak844's Avatar minecraftfreak844
Level 32 : Artisan Lego Builder
Hey PMC,

Today, I will be highlighting main factors that will affect the popularity of your Minecraft Project. On top of that, I'll be elaborating on them.


1. Screenshots

Well, do you think that screenshots don't matter? If no, then you're absolutely wrong. They do. They make a difference whether people click on your project or not. If your screenshots are dull and boring (especially the main screenshot) the chances of people clicking on your project is comparatively way lower compared to projects that has really good and detailed screenshots (even better when the screenshots have HD renders). Having great screenshots attract people to click on your project to take a look, and maybe even they would download it and give you a diamond!

2.Project Title

Even though this might not apply to many or affect popularity greatly, remember, be creative about your title! Especially for projects like roller coasters and such! Think about this (take for example), have you ever heard of a really really cool roller coaster that is called "The Roller Coaster"? Obviously not!

3. Your Project Itself

Make your project great! Put detail if you can! These things make big differences! Well, let me ask you this. If there was a really realistic and detailed building and a really dull and plain building, which one would you choose? OBVIOUSLY THE 1ST ONE! Am I right?! So, spend time making your projects worth looking at... Don't rush it through.

That's all I wanna say today. Till the next post!

P.S. Remember to diamond and sub and comment!


1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by minecraftfreak844 10/31/2013 7:38:29 pmOct 31st, 2013

Added blog image.

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03/16/2014 11:34 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Narwhal
OrangeMCE's Avatar
Amazing perspective, diamond!
11/08/2013 6:14 am
Level 25 : Expert Hunter
bigf's Avatar
"Put detail if you can"
11/08/2013 8:29 am
Level 32 : Artisan Lego Builder
minecraftfreak844's Avatar
Oh right...forgot to add that in...oops!
11/08/2013 3:29 pm
Level 25 : Expert Hunter
bigf's Avatar
No, it's already in.
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