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Experiment 3/23/1972 [A Creepypasta]

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Dr_Arson's Avatar Dr_Arson
Level 30 : Artisan Toast
Hello, it's time I'd let the world know this; I wasnt planning to say this today, but I feel that if I dont, the world will never know. I found this diary a while back and I thought it would be a good idea to show it to you.
It's quite serious what I'm about to tell you, and it might be shocking. here's what it reads:

A couple of months ago, me and a few people went back to the old StormCo. Factory to recover some important files, and while I was searching my old desk, one of the guys found a file that read "TOP SECRET, DO NOT OPEN AT ANY COSTS" being a person that was in charge of the StormCo. Labratorys Program for about 36 years (counting the ones from other time periods) I thought that this file had to have been from there.

So, I opened it and inside were some legal documents and some old news papers, but one paper stood out so I took it out and brushed off the dust, and here's what it read:

Eperiment # *crossed out with some faint numbers I still cant read yet*  {SCO.}

Subject: Brine E. Persson

Experiment Issued: 03/13/1972

Eperiment Objective: Insert the genes of Notch into *Blacked out* so we can *Blacked out* .


Day 1: Brian Seems to be empowered by Notches genes, it's scary to see a mortal using the powers of a god.
He also went into 4 "episodes" today that are much like seizures instead that his eyes roll into the back
of his head.

Day 2: Brian claims that he is *Blacked out* ra *Blacked out* ne, I have never heared of such a name before...

Day 3: Brian went into an "episode" today, but in the procces of giving him his daily lunch, he killed a scientist 
and injured 5. We will have to kill him before he kills the *Blacked out*.

Day 4: Mr. Arson told us that while he was working in his office that he saw Brian behind his door, looking at
him. He said that Brian didnt look like himself at the time, he described him as having *Blacked out*
and blood coming out of his nose. However, Mr. Arson said that he will not stop the experiments.

Day 5: I fear for the rest of the world now, Brian escaped the lab after he killed 14 of the scientists working in
in the room. I nearly escaped "him", but I think he is gone now, soemwhere out there...

The rest of the sheet is just more legal stuff and stuff, but I think we all know who this man that is mentioned in this diary, he is Herobrine
I see him every once and a while outside my window... staring at me, but never hurting me. I did however, at my school, see him in the corner of my eye with something in his hand. I hope this clears up some things.

-Ok, I'm writing this a few days after my post, I think He is outside my door. if he comes in I will hide and write back.

-I'm scared...

-Please help me... help... help... he-

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09/01/2014 1:07 am
Level 23 : Expert Mage
lactarius77's Avatar
yeah.... this is creepy...

i where under a curch one time (actually under the church) and i find this paper saying a name i recogniced from the graveyeard :O
09/01/2014 1:22 am
Level 30 : Artisan Toast
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