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Euthanasia in the UK - My opinions

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Etsey's Avatar Etsey
Level 31 : Artisan Toast
Hello Friends!
It's Ezzie here.

Today I thought I'd express my opinions on a large debate in England at the moment. Euthanasia.
Personally I don't think Euthanasia should be allowed, but I do have several reasons for the other side too.
I believe Euthanasia should not be allowed due to the human rights act 1998. I know a lot about human rights, which is kind of weird for someone my age, but anyway.

In the human rights act, it states that a human has the right to life. That right also states that one's life must not be compromised by another human. So basically, you can't be killed and you have a right to live, no matter what..
Like I said before, these are human rights in England. I know in America they view this particular human right a lot differently because they still have capital punishment (which is the death penalty.)
If we let Euthanasia be legal, we'd have to change the human rights act made in 1998. 1998.. That was made 19 years ago, and there's still debate about it.

If we decide to change the human rights act, there will be many many MANY battles in parliament. Those political debates may go out of hand.

And you know if people disagree with something very strongly, they WILL retaliate. People have a human right also to petition and to peacefully protest. But there becomes a point when a peaceful protest, simply isn't peaceful anymore. You know strong feelings to something, lead to a lot of retaliation.. A lot of retaliation might lead to terrorist attacks. The terrorist level in England is already at severe.. It might be raised even more. We're already expected to have a terrorist attack...
I'm going to give an example. In the 19th century there was the suffragettes. They strongly believed in something. One of them threw themselves in front of a HORSE and killed herself.. This could happen to the Euthanasia situation, which it probably will (maybe not a horse though)

On the other hand. I do believe human's should have a right to be able to choose when they die. But I don't agree with it due to the fact, what happens in 1000 years, we might have cures for all these things. So that "euthanasia" claim would be useless. Death isn't the only option... We banned capital punishment in the UK, no one is capitally punished for their crimes. We're at harmony you could say. No one dies, hardly anyone is under threat of being killed (unless it's murder), weapons are banned. What happens if they allow Euthanasia? What happens if they lift that human right? There will then be debate about Capital punishment, justifiable homocide... And not to mention the whole law on Murder and the punishments for murder will have to be altered as
if that human right to life doesn't stand anymore, people could just be hung, or given lethal injections. Which would cause more argument.. One of the reasons Capital punishment was banned in the first place was it's very hard to 100% prove someone murdered someone else.. Yes, you've got forensic evidence, you've got finger prints etc. But what happens if there's a backstory behind it? What happens if someone forced that guy to kill the other guy? It's not just the person shooting the gun or stabbing the knife that's involved with the murder case.. It's everyone who had prior knowledge about it. So do you just kill everyone? Sometimes there can be more than 10 people involved.. You can't just kill off 10 people, they have families, maybe they were forced to be involved by someone else.. Then there becomes a point where it's too far..

To sum up this post, I believe it's very hard to decide and I know a lot of people will probably disagree with a lot of things I say. But everything I have said is based upon my opinion and the human rights act.
Thank you very much for reading

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12/28/2016 2:26 pm
Level 43 : Master Engineer
Luxaholic's Avatar
If you have the patients permission to kill them and they truly don't want to suffer anymore, whats the issue? Even if they found a cure for whatever it is they were suffering from within the next year, its that much longer the person is suffering and I'm sure thoughts like that had crossed their own minds as well and they came to the conclusion that they'd be better off dead than hoping for something that more than likely won't happen. I do not believe someone in a coma or who can not communicate in any way should be killed without their own consent however.

Capital punishment should not be banned, its not that hard to prove they did it in most cases. There are very very few cases where someone was executed who was actually innocent. In your example where someone could have forced another person to commit a murder... why wouldn't the murderer just point out who forced him to do it? They'd be found guilty, even if it was considered joint enterprise. If the person can in fact prove he was forced, he might partially have the law on his side since he was under duress, (refer to duress in law). However that region of law is a debate on its own. As far as reforming a 1998 act.. it happens and it'll happen again and again I'm sure.

Think about this one, do you want some terrorist who they 100% proved killed 50 people in a church bombing to just receive life in prison? NO WAY, he deserves to die. or what about a serial killer who rapes and kills his victims? He deserves to live on? Even if its within the confines of a prison? How about someone who shoots up a movie theater just because they wanted to? Or a serial child rapist? People like this are the most disgusting scum on the face of the earth, and thats not just my opinion its a fact.

Overall good blog, was fun to read.
12/29/2016 12:34 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Toast
Etsey's Avatar
Thanks for your opinion :)
I believe that no matter what, capital punishment should not be allowed.
For people who commit terrorist attacks, a lot don't care about their life. They won't be fussed if they die. I believe it's more of a punishment to keep people locked up for life. It's not just all over.
Thank you though
I'm subscribing to you :)
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