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End of the Overworld

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sam_fliker's Avatar sam_fliker
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
So, before you start this story, I want you to know I did this in 10 minutes and it's not finished. I don't even have 1/8 of chapter 1. I haven't corrected it to see if there are any things mispelled or anything. This is only to see if people are interested in my story. I have worked almost nothing on it. It has 999 words so far, so please enjoy:

End of the Overworld
I know the Overworld isn’t perfect, we have zombies, skeletons, witches, endermen and countless more creatures that want to kill me, but those are easy to kill. Besides, we also have pretty nice things, like my wolf Kyr, he’s very friendly. I’ve had him for a few years now. He is the reason I go out to fight mobs, without him I would’ve already killed myself. I know what you’re thinking “Kill himself? That’s crazy! He’s probably exaggerating”. But believe me when I tell you, it’s harsh living in this conditions. A lonely house, in a lonely land, with nobody to be with. But since I got Kyr, I feel happier. He helps me kill mobs to get their resources. I met him while I was fighting some mobs. As I struggled to survive against at least 20 zombies and skeletons. Without me realizing, an enderman appeared behind me. The tall creature grabbed me from behind, I knew this was it, but then, the enderman disappeared. When I turned around to see what happened, I saw Kyr just standing there with a smiling face, or what it looked like smiling, because wolves can’t smile. He helped me kill all those undead monsters. After that we immediately went for the enderman and got his ender pearl. That has been the token of out friendship since then. That wolf has been with me since I had a dirt house, and I’ll be with him until the end.
Nowadays I have something you could call a castle, it’s about a thousand by two thousand blocks long without counting the walls outside the garden. It has a defense tower on each corner with safety spots between them in case there’s an attack. Once you pass the wall through the giant door protected by golems, you see a beautiful garden with fountains and colorful flowers. The first room you see inside the castle is what I call the “Main Room”. It has two other golems standing guard followed by a giant carpet. There are three staircases, two at the sides and one in the middle. The top has a chandelier that illuminates the whole room. The house has a room for everything, including swimming pool, sport room, smeltery, chest room, and my favorite, my bedroom. The first thing you see when you walk in is a beautiful bed made with the best wool I could find, next to it there’s a bed for Kyr, altho he normally sleeps with me on the main bed. The whole room is surrounded by paintings I do on my free time. There’s a chimney that’s always lit up thanks to a weird material I found in another dimension. I call it the Nether, and it’s what everyone calls hell.
I discovered the Nether trying to find a way to get infinite fire, I used flint and steel on a nice frame made out of obsidian. It has 5 blocks high and 4 blocks long. The button caught fire, but not for long. Immediately after I used the flint and steel on the obsidian, the frame became a portal. It was purple and a faint glow of light came from it. My first reaction was to leave that place. For many weeks I kept it under key and wouldn’t even get close to the room in which I built it on. But after the first month passed, I started getting this nightmares. Kyr and I were standing in a weird red rock surrounded by lava. There were giant white creatures flying over the red skies while they wiggles their strange tentacles. They were whipping as if they were being tortured. I started calling them ghasts, I don’t know why, I just thought the name was right. I was always standing on the island for hours, hugging Kyr for him to be safe. I still remember how he cried. I knew it was a dream, but the cry was so real. The dream always ended with a weird version of me coming out from the lava laughing, but it wasn’t me, it had white eyes. I always woke up after this, sweating and crying. Kyr used to lick me every time it happened. After the 4 month of this constant nightmare, I decided to go in.
I remember when I gave the first step into that hellish place. The horrible smell of ashes made me want to throw up, but instead I coughed like crazy. My lungs felt contaminated just by the air of this horrible place. I wanted to go back, I needed to see Kyr, who I told to stay in the house. I saw the place I was on, the floor was the same material as the floor on my dream. I was in a cave, all of it made out of this blocks except for some ores I had never seen before. A few blocks ahead of me I could see a cliff. As I got closer to it, I saw a red glow coming from under it. A sea of lava covered miles of the bottom of this weird dimension. I fell on my knees as I realized this was the place I had dreamed about. I was there for a few minutes, when I heard a cry so loud that it made me fall to the floor. It was a cry I had heard many times before, it was a cry of a ghast. The creature who had made such a horrible noise appeared in the distance, approaching from the shadows. I looked amazed, it was way bigger in real life than on my dreams. The skin looked old, but at the same time, it looked as if it belonged to a baby. The ghast shouted one more time causing me to cover my ears with strength and close my eyes. Once the sound stopped a few seconds later, I opened my eyes to see a fireball coming towards me.

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03/01/2015 10:52 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Taco
Kickrad's Avatar
This is amazing!!! Keep up then good work!
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