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Empire of Toa: A bionicle server (BAD NEWS) [CLOSED SERVER IS BACK :D]

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Mexbot Arts's Avatar Mexbot Arts
Level 46 : Master Taco
First of all I want to apologize por the people who was waiting for the server fo a long time. With this I don't want to say that I will cancel this proyect.

1 month ago my computer's hardware become overloaded because I used to have my computer on 15 or 20 hours. One day I woke up and my computer stoped to work. I sent my computer to fix them but they told me that de hard drive become destroyed. I asked him if there was any way to recover my files but he cold me it was impossible. I went with a lot of computer repairs but all of them told me the same. The only way to recover something is to bring my disk to special Computer laboratories where they can recover most of my information. The bad thing is that its too expensive, the price to recover something is 1000 dollars, which my parent didn't accept because they wouldn't pay 1000 dollars just to recover a game from my computer which I worked hard for 2 years

In one word I lost all my computer information and I only have a 1.6.2 version of my server which is very old. Between 1.7 and 1.8 I made a lot of things just like all the world map which was a new proyect. I lost tons of locations already made, the things I showed to you guys on PMC is noting compared with all the things I already made together with my server Team.

I really don't wanna stop such an amazing proyect which is nothing compared to other Minecraft-Bionicle proyects. So I don't know when will I get 1000 dollars to recover my information but one of these days empire of toa will return (I hope so)

Thanks my dear Pre-EoT players and I hope you can understand this.

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08/21/2015 11:03 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
stevens808js's Avatar
Hey bro its me maluhia808. its been a long time now im 18 years old. I have suggestion. I have minecraft realms and maybe you can put in my realms server. we can do a bionicle world from my realm server. May be put a link of your mata nui map and i will invite you to my world so you and your friend can finish the map.
08/03/2015 8:42 am
Level 1 : New Miner
KKcreeper's Avatar
Backup your files on some external memory in the future :D
Mexbot Arts
08/03/2015 12:05 pm
Level 46 : Master Taco
Mexbot Arts's Avatar
I'll definitely do that :p
11/25/2015 9:14 am
Level 1 : New Miner
KKcreeper's Avatar
And as a sidenote, this is the greatest Bionicle Minecraft project that exists. It's better than BioCraft Chronicles. This is said from a viewpoint of an observing BN fan.
Cloud the Angel
04/16/2015 5:12 am
Level 28 : Expert Narwhal
Cloud the Angel's Avatar
I'm having the "Can't resolve hostname" error, can anyone help? (I'm on pc)
Mexbot Arts
03/13/2015 6:50 pm
Level 46 : Master Taco
Mexbot Arts's Avatar

Lukas Exemplar
03/20/2015 6:27 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
Lukas Exemplar's Avatar
Wow, that is just fantastic news! Though it seems to be down at the moment. By the way, did you read my comment below? I would love to get involved with a project like this, or perhaps start my own BIONICLE world server, in the vein of Minecraft Middle-earth. Have you ever been on that server? It is a very beautiful world and very well-managed! :)

So, how come the server is offline right now? Is it open at specific times, or...? Also, what scale is the server? 1:100? 1:1000? Or less or more? And do you have Metru Nui? :D
Mexbot Arts
03/27/2015 12:25 pm
Level 46 : Master Taco
Mexbot Arts's Avatar
I have a post where a talk about the server, so it has a size 15000x15000 blocks (exclude Metrunui, Mahri nui, Karda nui and the pocket dimensions). Im searching to have the same ambience like middle earth
Lukas Exemplar
05/10/2015 10:32 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
Lukas Exemplar's Avatar
Ambience? You mean to have a Sound Pack like they do? Do you actually play on MCME? I'd love to meet up on the server, or on their Teamspeak server, if you want to?
Lukas Exemplar
03/02/2015 12:22 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
Lukas Exemplar's Avatar
So sorry to hear man! I, myself, know what it is like to lose such a great deal of important data, and I know friends who have lost much bigger losses than even me or you. They are professional concept artists, working for video game companies, comic publishers etc.

Coincidentally I had been thinking for years about starting my own BIONICLE Minecraft server project, where I would create the entire Matoran Universe, maybe with multiple worlds for some of the island domes, maybe not. I have been thinking about making it in 1:100 scale, which is insane, I know. And the server would be very difficult to host, and possibly very expensive. Maybe we could work together though, stat a new project, which would actually be organized, and have a rank system, where we would have Buidlers, Designers, Enforcers, Adventurers (defeault rank. They cannot built unless they are doing a job, which Designers would set up. It could be stuff like creating trees for a big area, which we would then copy-paste, and then make another job for customizing the copy-pasted trees so that they do not look like duplicates.) This system is very similiar to what the Minecraft Middle-Earth server has going. The MCME server is a big project. It was once one of the, if not the largest Minecraft project there was. And it is very neatly organized. If some hardcore BIONICLE fans got together, we could do the same thing.

I know you have said that you feel discouraged to start over, since this was such a hard thing to acomplish, but think about it, please. When we have an actual plan, and people who are willing to spend their free time in constructing our world, it would be possible. And perhaps fun too. It would take a long time, yes, but at the end it would all be worth it. If we have backups that is. :) Message me if you feel intrigued.

Stay creative man.
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