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Emo kid skin rant

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Kooljasper's Avatar Kooljasper
Level 26 : Expert Narwhal
It has gotten to a point to where everyone has seen this. If you haven't then you have not yet gone to the first section of skins. This really has to stop. It's like blocky skins : 32% emo skins: 46% original awesome skins: 22%. Where did all the awesome skins go. Now we see long haired freaks (I only mean in minecraft skins, I do not and will not judge anyone in real life by their hair.). And you think it would stop after you go on every server and see that no one else has an emo related skin. If you find these skins cool then you haven't seen minecraft skins for long. They are splattered all over skin websites including this one. I am more than sure that I am not the only one who agrees about this.

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09/25/2012 4:32 pm
Level 22 : Expert Dragonborn
mcevan14's Avatar
agreedagreedagreed (<<< that means "yes")
04/30/2012 9:51 pm
Level 40 : Master Goblin
ItsBill's Avatar
I don't think anyone's ever liked the emo stereotype, so I wonder why people even like that stuff.
04/30/2012 9:48 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Pony
16charme's Avatar
I made 1 emo skin but that's when I was a noob. I agree with you
04/30/2012 9:52 pm
Level 26 : Expert Narwhal
Kooljasper's Avatar
I may have not made one when I was a noob but yeah I too thought they were the coolest thing every until I saw emo skin NEXT emo skin NEXT emo skin NEXT emo skin.
04/30/2012 9:56 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Pony
16charme's Avatar
Its more scene than emo. But there the same
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