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Eddison The Wolfman: Part I

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RacoonMaster's Avatar RacoonMaster
Level 9 : Apprentice Scribe
Volume I: Eddison's curse

Many men choose not to look...
Eddison The Wolfman: Part I

Many of us choose not to sink in...
Eddison The Wolfman: Part I

The monsters were out in the night. The undead, the mutants. But that night, a peculiar beast was in search of flesh. The werewolf. Cunning, ferocious, fast, and sensitive. There is no stronger beast. But there is no weaker man than him who has the curse. Eddison used to be a simple farmer, working at a remote unknown villager, full of poverty. His friends are not as unlucky as him though, because Eddison was infected when he was twenty years old. He got a disease so feared, every ill would usually be assassinated, since there is no cure available. This disease turned him into a monster every full moon night.

There was a wolfman running through the woods, with their fur flowing through the winds. It hunted a man. It was Eddison, collecting certain herbs for his father, who was sick and tired. Without hesitation, the wolf leaped at him and bit his shoulder. Amazingly enough, Eddison managed to swing his axe for the wolf's neck, being able to hurt him slightly. He got time to run, and so he did, but he realized the truth: He would soon enough become a werewolf. "Next full moon" he thought "I'm shifting, I'll shift next full moon..." Reality was truly hard, but he could feel the wolf's blood run through his veins already.

He thought it was the worst day of his life, and he set up a campfire to spend the night, away from the attack. His breath was heavy, so much so that he was about to faint right there. But he had to stay strong- otherwise, he would probably die. He put some of the woollen bandages he had on him over his shoulder, and slammed his axe into a large piece of leftover wood from the fire. He took a seat, however, remained alert for most part of the night, until near dawn, when his dreams conquered his mind and he fell asleep.

The morning after that, he was extremely sore and his muscles ached, as well as his stomach. He knew those were some of the symptoms of lycanthropy. Eddie was getting increasingly scared, and concerned for his family and friends in the village.
"I'll have to leave them... Otherwise, I'll hurt them..." He thought. Suddenly, he looked across the hill he had set his camp on- there were guards, looking around, armed. "They're looking for me... I must flee."

Eddie grabbed his stuff and immediately ran off the hill and away from the guards. He walked through the forest for a few hours, until he collapsed. He felt so bad for the infection fever, it was hard to walk straight, even. Somebody woke him up. When Eddie opened his eyes, he saw a man who had clearly seen better days. He wasn't young like him, instead, he had a great beard, and slightly gray hair.

Joahn: "Ah, you're finally awake."
Eddison: "Who are you?"
Joahn: "My name is Joahn, and I've been living on this forest for a while."

Eddie rubbed his forehead and sat up to stand. Joahn offered him a hand, but Eddie was stubborn enough to reject it with a tired look. He stood up.

Joahn: "What's your name?"
Eddison: "Eddison Wheats..."
Joahn: "Wheats... Are you a farmer?"
Eddison: "Yeah... I used to be."
Joahn: "What happened?"
Eddison: "My father got sick, and I went to get herbs for him... Suddenly, I got attacked by a monster, and it injured me, in the shoulder."
Joahn: "Bad night, hm?"

Eddison nodded.

Joahn: "Why don't you return home?"
Eddison: "I can't... tell you."

Joahn asked Eddie if he wanted to rest at his house, but Eddison doesn't trust strangers at all, so he stood out there right in front of the house, and put a small camp. That night, he had weird dreams, about monsters, and howls. He heard hissing of undead and screams of a burning man. The thing that caught his attention the most about the dream was that Joahn was there, and he was reaching out to touch Eddison's bitten shoulder, but suddenly what seemed to be a wolfman got on his way, and he woke up, agitated.

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05/29/2019 12:29 pm
Level 48 : Master Answer
Makaneek's Avatar
you should probably list this as a story instead of an article.
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