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Þe Conflycte of Magicke in þe Myddel Ages

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Giancarlovan's Avatar Giancarlovan
Level 42 : Master Technomancer
Þe Knave to þe Knight opened his eyne and beheld þe Osserbit of þe Vale, whereupon its Wings and Feaþeres emancipated destruccion and devastacion wiþ nary a Boundarie, never havynge bene demarcated by þe Foremoste of þe Cyrcels of Wizardry. Þe Forests by þe Castels were burnyng bryghtly, whilst þe Soule of Damnacion intruded herewyþal, violatynge þe Sanctitie of þe Wealde wherein resideþ þe Master of Mydnyghte, yet so serene and austere, unwaveringe in his Stubborne Sangfroid, beyonde all Doubte þat eqwynoxeþ þe Syzygy of Melancholy, when þe Lady and þe Lorde exeunte whyfore to puissant Derogacion, to bellycose Abjuracion, to mellifluous Execracion, yet to limited Effectualitie, compromysyng þe prolyxe Mechanacions of þe Sainte of Shadow. Þe name he goeþ by reflectyng Noþyngness, a black Void devoid of Myrþ or Myrackel, forsooþe þe Way is shut to his Home, to his Hart, whiche containeþ now only Fragments of Þe Darke Towere of Dornyngþornþost, where in resydence þe Darkness lurkeþ unendinge to sinke its clawes into þe Lintelled untempered Skin of þe Hapless and Downtrodden, hence þe Mydnyght celebracione of þe Fall of þe Olde Towere, rejoiceþ þe People for þe Downfall of þe Foe amidst þeir Rankes, whose name typycally remaineþ Shrouded in Gloom, yet now can be speakeþ wyþ unabashed Impunyty: Magþoryanius Cecylor Vachoþrainz.

Þis littel piece of prose fyccion is intendeþ as an Exercise in þe relatyvly Archayick Style of a Medyvil Magickal Era, where Convenciones of the Pen remaine hiþerto unestablished, hence the possybly stiflynge Impenetrability to the uniniciated or unfamiliare. Neverþeless, I hope, þe amazyng folk who fynyshe readyng Everyþynge doth fynd some tydbyts of enjoyment.

This little piece of prose fiction is intended as an exercise in the relatively archaic style of a medieval magical era, where conventions of the pen remain hitherto unestablished, hence the possibly stifling impenetrability to the uninitiated or unfamiliar. Nevertheless, I hope, the amazing folk who finish reading everything do find some tidbits of enjoyment.

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10/23/2023 3:10 am
Level 54 : Grandmaster Architect
Uknownymous's Avatar
Incredibly confusing at first, but reading deeper makes it so clear why you picked a magical, medieval setting. May fate bid well to those struggling within the fall of their homeland, and the devastation wrought from otherworldly danger. :o If I'm not mistaken, of course - but medieval texts never were an easy read. You captured the writing style perfectly for what you sought. Just about tangible, yet still ever so slightly out of reach, if not further at times. All while clearly having consistent patterns in the speech; I suspect you have a list of the changes for your own deciphering - and encrypting - use. :o
10/26/2023 10:10 am
Level 42 : Master Technomancer
Giancarlovan's Avatar
Thank you! I'm glad it came out interestingly for you – I found it rather really tricky to write, actually. Makes me think, back then in the day, those medieval texts were probably as easy to read as these comments on PMC nowadays
10/26/2023 11:30 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Architect
Uknownymous's Avatar
You're welcome! I can definitely picture that! It might have felt that way for some, though literacy was a rarer skill practiced by necessity and luxury. Likely not all that easy for those then either. Surely not helped by smaller numbers of people knowing the written forms of each language in a world of lower population numbers in the first place~. It's the leading reason languages were warped so much in the far distant past, and our issue with studying it in the present: Lack of knowledgeable documentation. There are exceptions, such as Korean, with longstanding detailed documentation running centuries back, but... The present is definitely the best hope we have of the average person understanding these texts clearly. So if the average citizen then stumbled onto a text of their long gone times, chances are they weren't going to pick up on words that didn't come up often. Your text is too pretty!
11/10/2023 10:13 am
Level 42 : Master Technomancer
Giancarlovan's Avatar
Thanks for these intriguing insights - language has certainly changed, and is changing as we speak - I for one know some grandparents for whom Latin is easier than Leetspeak. One thing I'm happy about technology is the increase in documentation - the digitalization of information has made things a lot more accessible and preservable.

And yes, I suppose the average Joe in the middle ages wouldn't have such an easy time reading something written by some eclectic scribe either...
03/01/2022 12:59 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Lava Rider
eagoy's Avatar
Love the way you wrote this piece of prose. Still more or less follow-able although for the finer things you have to look a little bit closer and just guess a bit.
03/01/2022 3:46 pm
Level 42 : Master Technomancer
Giancarlovan's Avatar
Thanks! That is how I feel when I read medieval texts, and felt inspired by that.
02/28/2022 5:30 pm
Level 20 : Expert Artist
Algeusia's Avatar
Tough and arcane, it definitely reads like some wizard's old tome :)
03/01/2022 3:44 pm
Level 42 : Master Technomancer
Giancarlovan's Avatar
Thanks! Glad it achieved the effect I wanted :)
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