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E-cat420's Minecraft Lore: The Daemonium

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E-cat420's Avatar E-cat420
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
Here follows our currently amassed info on the scourge known as "Malar Daemonium" and the family he claims to be part of:

According to lore, the Daemonium are a family of half-demon beings that lived centuries ago. They were thought to live off of the blood of human beings, in a similar manner to vampires. But the truth is much more disconcerting.

In reality, the Daemonium only call themselves a family, a family made up of every half-demon in existence, living in the Daemonia Kingdom of Tartarus. What is worrying, though, is that they may be extremely powerful, capable of changing the very rules of magic and nature. For Malar has claimed that the Daemonium created Blood Magic.

Let us be clear that "creating" magic and "discovering" magic are two very different things. Creating magic should be theoretically impossible to begin with, but, then again, the same could be said of the Daemonium. Malar claims that the infamous mage Magus Arcana only rediscovered what the Daemonium already created.

Supposedly, the Daemonium used the very energy of their souls to perform magic. While this would be dangerous to mortals, is is a very different situation for the Daemonium. Demon souls are incredibly tough, but because their souls are fundamentally different from ours (only further adding to the impossibilities of the Daemonium), demons cannot perform Blood Magic. Apparently, Daemonium souls are a strange hybrid, as they can perform Blood Magic, yet they have the imperviousness of demon souls.

Thus, they were supposedly able to take energy from their own souls and "weave" it into rudimentary forms of Blood Magic. Eventually, they discovered blood as being a good conduit for soul energy, and so, Blood Magic was born.

It was slowly improved upon, until it reached it's culmination in the creation of a powerful ritual known as "The Convocation of The Damned", created by Malar's father, Xelus Daemonium. With this ritual, the barriers between Tartarus and our world were broken down, and demons began swarming into this world. Thus began The Second Demon Invasion. Eventually, the invasion was ended, as we know, and the demons banished back to Tartarus.

However, Malar claims that he was here on that day, and he avoided being sent back. Now, Malar is doing everything in his power to initiate a Fourth Demon Invasion. And he says that this one may be greater than all others before it.

-Pruden Inscribus, Archivist of The Knights of the True

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