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Wildcard_Gamer's Avatar Wildcard_Gamer
Level 55 : Grandmaster Programmer
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Welcome to Dungeon-Craft, an interactive comic in which you comment what you want to happen next. If there is ever white text on a panel, it is interactive, and you can comment to hopefully be picked. In this comic, we will follow 3 adventurers, whom of which, will be created by YOU. All assets for the comic other than your choices are made by me. So what are you waiting for?
1. I'm not required to pick the 1st comment, so being first doesn't mean you get dibs.
2. If you picked the last choice, you have to wait for 2 choices to pass until you can get picked.
3. If the text is yellow, that means you can choose anything, if it is white, you are limited to what's described. (text IN the panel)
4. If there is no text, the panel doesn't have a choice in it. (text IN the panel)

Chapter 1

After a day of traveling, our heroes arrive at what remains of the front gate of Borealis Castle. After a day's journey, they have finally made it here, If they remember correctly their goal is to bring back the prized crown of the kingdom, but they have no idea where this crown could be. This is why they should ask follow up questions.

[DinowCookie | I say to begin with, they should look in the chest you can see behind where Ildemyr is standing]
Our heroes open the chest but only find a torch and 3 spectral arrows, which will come in handy because OLIVER ONLY BROUGHT 10 ARROWS cough cough seriously Oliver cough cough. our heroes stock up and decide to continue, the hallway into the castle seems to have too much foliage to walk through.


[Damian_TVCraft | Let's say that they go back and go into front gate]
As the group walks into the Borealis castle the sun sets, with limited light, Oliver decides to lead with the torch he found. Well... he didn't wuite decide, he's just the least needed person in the party, so he will be a human sheild in the worst case-scenario. None the less he is leading, as they enter they find the lights on and are bombarded by a group of zombies!

Oh whatever will our heroes do in this situation! Luckily Oliver is in front! He will make short work of these guys with his skills! Oh right.... Um... thats not how you fight Oliver... Oliver no....

[Chiaroscuro | To save their weapons during this first fight, Oliver should i]very stealthily[/i] turn the torch zombie around, causing it to stumble into its zombie compatriots. As we know, zombies are quite flammable (at least in Minecraft) so...]
A brilliant plan that Oliver can do while he waits for the rest of the party to attack, he puts his bow on his back and gives them a good push.

While it was a great plan, it only managed to take out 2 of the zombies, and the only torch we have burned in the fire, what now?

[DinowCookie | Have Amethyst chop off the head of the last zombie!]
Brilliant Idea! Amethyst beheads the final zombie and collects the flesh, since they have no reason to preserve inventory space at the moment.

Now, that our party has gotten through the enemies, what should they do next?


We start off in the player select screen, where YOU make the characters. First off, we have Player One, who will they be?

[goblins | male black hair mage]
Our 1st player is nearly done. Now just for the finishing touches

[RuleBreaker | i recommend his magic would be ice]
[dinowcookie | I say name him Ildemyr!]
Ah yes Ildemyr, The ice mage, now we move on to player two, who will they be?

[IceNinja9276 | male Brown hair Ranger]
Our second player is looking good, but what skills does he possess? And what's this young man's name?

[Nevermind3476 | Stealth]
[DinowCookie | Then I'd say strength as a weakness, makes most sense to me.]
[An Intelligent Moron | Oliver(haha, totally not a DC reference)]
Of course, this ranger's name was Oliver, He was very stealthy but had some issues with his strength. Now, who was that last player, the girl, yes who was she?

[The FaiyahBLAST | white-blonde hair warrior]
Of course, but What traits does she have, and what was her name?

[KnightOfJustice | Amethyst]
[DinowCookie | I think the noble trait would suit the rest of the character.]
Of course, the third member, amethyst, how could I forget.

Now, this trio of heroes is ready to go on their first quest together. They have 3 quests to choose from.
[Ruins of Borealis] The Borealis abandoned their home kingdom after it was overrun by spiders and skeletons, very little of them made it out of alive, after 100 years their current leader has asked of you to go there and retrieve the prized crown of the kingdom, which was left behind.
[Drowned Temple] Thousands of years ago, A tribe of people made a city in a canyon, the city was constructed out of prismarine, a scarce material at that time, and one day they were cursed by an evil cult of dangerous mages. Their city was flooded and they were all turned into immortal guardians who's minds have been broken nearly beyond repair, a kingdom will pay you handsomely to find an item hidden deep in the city and break the curse
[Lost Coal Mines] The coal mines were constructed 300 years ago by miners to collect coal, which was very valuable back then, rumor has it that they were driven out by zombies, who came from a mob spawner deep in the caverns, and the zombies have a hoard of treasure, If you can find it, you will most likely find great rewards! The person who gave you the location wants 70 percent of the treasure.


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01/07/2019 5:34 pm
Level 24 : Expert Modder
Nevermind3476's Avatar
search the room, keeping an eye out for where the zombies came from
12/17/2018 4:24 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Programmer
Wildcard_Gamer's Avatar
yeet this blog bak
12/27/2018 7:22 pm
He/Him • Level 54 : Grandmaster Pyro Magical Boy
FishyBusiness's Avatar
11/25/2018 4:16 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Programmer
Wildcard_Gamer's Avatar
gonna go on hiatus a bit longer cuz my computer won't let me use the program I use to make these.
09/11/2018 8:32 am
He/Him • Level 54 : Grandmaster Pyro Magical Boy
FishyBusiness's Avatar
have Ildemyr to use his magic!
08/22/2018 1:55 pm
Level 70 : Legendary Dinosaur
DinowCookie's Avatar
Have Amethyst chop off the head of the last zombie!
08/17/2018 11:47 pm
He/Him • Level 62 : High Grandmaster Kitten Kitten
Chiaroscuro's Avatar
To save their weapons during this first fight, Oliver should very stealthily turn the torch zombie around, causing it to stumble into its zombie compatriots. As we know, zombies are quite flammable (at least in Minecraft) so...
08/17/2018 7:48 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Artist
DamianQualshy's Avatar

(I dunno where they are so..)

Let's say that they go back and go into front gate
08/15/2018 4:53 pm
Level 70 : Legendary Dinosaur
DinowCookie's Avatar
Well, if no-one else is going to comment then let me start. :D

I say to begin with, they should look in the chest you can see behind where Ildemyr is standing. ^_^
08/15/2018 2:01 am
Level 24 : Expert Procrastinator
PUG-alo's Avatar
Dungeon-Craft sounds really familiar to me.
If it's story of what happened before then I'm interested
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