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Dumbest story ever...

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TheKawaiiWarriorMC's Avatar TheKawaiiWarriorMC
Level 5 : Apprentice Explorer
So um i have a random story for you guys. Well here it is a few days ago i was making a new picture for my logo here then i realized wait a minute i am new so how do i even change my pic?! i heard doge in my mind saying wow so dumb i mean who else would think that ugh i am dumb but anyways when i finished it my mom yelled TIME TO GO TO BED! it scared me have to death omg i said to myself and she said STAP THINKING i was so scared so yeah WIMP RIGHT HERE so i was trying to post a blognext to las sentence i here TIME TO GO TO BED well getting scared again i slam and lock my door and then my computer closed i said FRICK IT GOIN TO BED! and ya so that is kind of a story i guess? Ok i'm back uploading my story well on to the sad part.. Ok it's 12 am i can't sleep i wake up and i'm like "Wait i just remembered life isn't a dream, So i don't live in a mansion". I am doing that doge thing in my head again. i'm like wait there is no use. Frick it I have been dumb all this time i can't change what i look like or what people call me i'm in a state of dizzieness. But then i realize "Wait maybe I can change this. Maybe I can change everything!"i have a little OMG moment in my head IDEA I scream in my head of course lol. So i go to school the next day ignore the idiots calling me names and making fun of me i only talk to my best supportive friends and now everything changed!

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12/01/2015 5:12 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
BrayBrayblox's Avatar
12/18/2015 10:57 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Explorer
TheKawaiiWarriorMC's Avatar
11/30/2015 6:40 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Explorer
TheKawaiiWarriorMC's Avatar
had some typos nextto las means next to last
11/30/2015 6:39 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Explorer
TheKawaiiWarriorMC's Avatar
plz don't delete this i know it's pretty dumb but it's still a story!
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