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Chapter One, The path of sins

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Devi The Panda's Avatar Devi The Panda
Level 41 : Master System
A story that I decided to make based upon the skins i've made in the past 2 years
Enjoy :D

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day I die is the day I am Reborn. As for all of our brothers and
sisters of our world. Let not one nor two bring us to our knees in

Twas September, 18 1820 when a royal messenger arrived
at my home. He handed me a letter from the King. The King had ordered
me to travel to the Athros kingdom and find a man named "Grimoult
Winters" and retrieve his head. Doing so reclaims your rights in
our kingdom. Though the King did not give me a reason why he wanted
Grimoult's head, you cannot go against the king's word. I packed the
things I needed for this long journey that awaited me and grabbed my
horse and headed out.

took me a year and twenty-four days to arrived at my destination.
Twas a long travel for a single man. Though still unsure why I must
kill Grimoult Winters and return with his head, I began asking around
the market district for where I could find the man. After awhile I
almost gave up when suddenly a guard came at me pike first at my
throat. He halted with the point of the weapon inches away from
beheading me. He screamed at me to leave the kingdom or be thrown in
the dungeons. Puzzled by why the man that charged at me and
threatened me I asked him a simple question. "What am I being
charged for?"
The guard told me why I must leave, for he knew
why I was here. Strangely It seemed I had been setup to be arrested
and rot in prison. Another guard walked up to me, asking me why I
wanted to murder their brother. I was extremely puzzled to how they
knew my task. I then took off running not knowing why I did so I took
a left turn right into a wall of guards. I then unsheathed my blade
and charged through the wall of guards. I must've sliced one as there
was blood on my blade. I then took off and hid in a pile of hay.
After some time I peaked out to see that four of the guards had been
shot in the neck with an arrow. Scared to come out I than saw a young
man with a bow walk towards me. He told me it was safe.

stood up and brushed off the specks of hay. I then asked who the
young man was. He changed the subject quicker then I could ask again.
He turned around and told me to follow him to a chapel. When we
arrived, the priest stared at me when I walked in. "I am Father
Eric, and you must be Darain." he said. "How do you know
who I am?" I asked. Father Eric was just like the young man,
ignoring my question. He told me to follow him to the library. So, I
followed. Eric talked nonsense all the way to the library, something
about a prophesy or something. I couldn't really keep up with what he
was saying. It almost seemed like he was trying to catch up on lost
time with me as if I were long lost son. We than arrived in the
library where Father Eric pulled a book titled "Kinders van die
vlamme". He handed the book to me and told me to keep it hidden
in my bag. I didn't ask a question as I knew he would just ignore it.
He turned to me and asked me why I had chosen a path of greed and
bloodshed. Again, not understanding the question, I asked him what he
meant by that. "Why must you go down such a dark path my child?
Can't you see the tears falling from the heavens? You are the son of
the All Mighty. But

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you must bring sadness to the Lord?" I didn't really care about
holy stuff so I had no idea what I was being told. Then it hit me. My
life of greed and bloodshed. Nothing but making families suffer from
lost ones I had killed in the past. The Father sighed and turned and
grabbed a bible "My child,You must understand the past to be
able to understand the future." He handed me the Bible and told
me to read it whenever I could. I was then quickly walked out of the
chapel. "Have a good quest my son." Father Eric exclaimed.

It took awhile to think
about what Father Eric had told me so I took my good old time and
went to one of the bars. After a few drinks I, Overheard... a few men
talking and laughing their butts off. What they were saying struck
me. Grimoult was a military general for my king's army?

Then they started blabbing
about what he had done.

The reasons they gave me
to go ahead with my quest to murder Grimoult were horrifying.

He had killed forty-nine
of the king's royal guard, stolen a priceless artifact that what they
were saying... could end humanity.

After they were done
acting like idiots they stumbled their way out of the bar, and so I

The men were so drunk I
thought I'd never find out where they were headed. A old barn out in
the middle of nowhere.

The ranch belonged to a
old bloke named Richard Vlight.

When the men reached the
doorstep one of them collapsed and nearly killed himself, the other
stared blankly into the wood door.

When Richard answered he
had a axe in one hand and told the drunk fools to leave.

All of a sudden a man who
looked a lot like Grimoult came out. Trying to calm Richard down
before he killed one of the drunken fools, the man grabbed his arm
and said “That's enough. These are friends.”

Richard ripped his arm out
of his hand and walked back in with a grump.

The drunk and the man
dragged their out cold friend inside.

Sneaking closer to the
window I could hear the yelling and irritation of the old bloke.

“Why do ye and all
these- Freaks! Always come to my farm...?” Richard yelled.

I peered through a loose
piece of siding and saw a Templar's cloth sitting on a table.

It seemed to be wrapping
something. The man who clearly resembled Grimoult picked up the cloth
and unwrapped a dagger.

“This my old chum- is
what I come here for.” he said. “What are ye gonna do with that
Grimoult? You gonna kill me now?” The bloke said worried. “No-
I'm simply going to

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revive an old
civilization... Say- a family reunion.” Grimoult said.

The dagger still laying on
the table, all but the passed out drunk left the room.

I was curious to what the
markings on the fragile dagger were so I crawled through an open
window and took a look.

I took a closer look at
the engravings on the stone and saw it was an ancient text.

When I realized that the
men were coming back down out of instinct, I took the cloth and
dagger and fled.

Not turning back to see if
they had noticed I dashed towards one of the bloke's horses and rode

After a ways of travel I
started examining the dagger closer. I had read some books about the
markings that scarred the stone. The first three runes were “Siaht

That meaning “To be

There was also a name
engraved but it was incredibly hard to read.

A-An... The dagger was so
badly damaged it was close to impossible to read the full text.

When I started to wrap it
back up a burnt paper fell to the ground.

“By orders of Master
Galith Tombe, this artifact must be transported to Mount Kaa'aul and
locked away with the rest. These orders were given by the General of
the Iron Guard Saviors.Failure to commit shall
result in execution. Signed-” The rest of it either had blood
stains, cuts or burns in it.

A master? That explains
the Templar cloth...

2 Update Logs

Update #2 : by Devi The Panda 12/29/2015 6:47:45 amDec 29th, 2015

Added 2 more pages.
Also spoof read.

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09/18/2014 4:15 pm
Level 48 : Master Taco
Yeyderx's Avatar
OMG aMaZiNg..!!!!
Devi The Panda
09/18/2014 4:22 pm
Level 41 : Master System
Devi The Panda's Avatar
Thanks =3
09/18/2014 4:26 pm
Level 48 : Master Taco
Yeyderx's Avatar
•ω• Np
Devi The Panda
09/18/2014 4:45 pm
Level 41 : Master System
Devi The Panda's Avatar
Edited the story a bit. Maybe I should'v re-read the story before submitting it.
09/18/2014 4:49 pm
Level 48 : Master Taco
Yeyderx's Avatar
NP >o-
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