Minecraft Blogs / Art

Drawing For Tobuscus/Tobygames - Sketch

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Starwarrior25's Avatar Starwarrior25
Level 44 : Master Artist
As you can all probably tell if you look at the sword, it is the worlds most crooked sword. Not the blade, but the angle of how the blade connects to the handle, along with the handle itself. But no worries, as I'll fix this up in Photoshop. I will also add some coloring to it as well, and probably make it a bit bigger. Hope you guys like this, but please no one show this to Tobuscus yet, And PLEASE nobody show it to him and claim it as their own. PLEASE...

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06/01/2012 7:24 am
Level 44 : Master Artist
Starwarrior25's Avatar
It is too bad nobody was able to guess what it was goin to be about. But it will say something. Anybody think they know what it will say?
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