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Downfall of humanity (Round 1 of a competition)

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Death Order's Avatar Death Order
Level 42 : Master Architect
I'm writing this for a competition ok

It is the year 2026, A lot of large companies have begun to rise, a few of them changed the world forever (In a terrible way!), one called "Auto-Cars" decided they should make self driving cars for everyone, the US government loved the idea, by February 2026 the sales of these types of cars skyrocketed like crazy, the lambs were going crazy over these cars, The big boss of Auto-Cars made lots and lots of money even though it was only the first week, people loved these cars and used them everyday of their lives, another called "Fat Food" opened tons of restaurants and the lambs went to these restaurants everyday, the food was so delicious, the average sheep went there twice a day! Another called "Phonez" developed highly advanced phones, the lambs used them hundreds and hundreds of times a day, by October 2026, nearly everyone you could meet had a self driving car, had a Fat Food bag and had a Phonez product, the big bosses of all three companies had a meeting one day, they all went inside a meeting room and it became dark and the three started talking.
"We've brainwashed the lot!" said the CEO of Auto-Cars, he lit a cigar while the CEO of Fat Food started talking,
"The fools will get fat in no time!" he laughed,
"It's like a zombie outbreak!" said the CEO of Phonez, just then 2 very important people from the US Government walked into the room,
"Hello boys!" said the tall one,
"we'll give you 10 trillion dollars for each of you, if you give us permission to mess up society!" said the fat one
"Of course!" all three of them yelled and laughed, on Christmas day there were loads of self driving cars of the busiest highway, the NSA then controlled the self driving cars, and crashed them all one by one, tons of explosions happened at once, there was anger, confusion, and fear, The Fat Food restaurants decided to add powerful chemicals into their products (Arsenic, radium, cobra venom, Polonium etc) and poisoned tons of people, many became very sick, the Phonez products then placed lots of propaganda onto people's phones, some of it included: being a sheep is cool, listen to mainstream media, obey your leaders and tons of more propaganda on their phones, everyone became so brainwashed, it looked like a dystopia already, but everyone thought it was "Cool" because their phones told them so, everyone walked around like a zombie, cars crashed into random stuff, people getting sick and dying, but one company decided to go even further, build Artificial intelligence with superior intelligence of humans! Everyone who was still alive bought at least one of this robots, but they became tired and decided to kill everyone, the human population fell from 2 billion (Those who didn't die in car crashes, poisoning etc) to just 400, the remaining 400 were the extremely rich and powerful, they went on a spaceship and left the Earth. However, before that they shut down the code of the robots, they all died. When they left the Earth, it looked like the Sahara desert expanded to the rest of the Earth.

It will never, ever, have life, ever again...

The end

Words in story: 541

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