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ACT II SHORT STORY - Diplomacy in Fluffy's Way

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CassandraStudios's Avatar CassandraStudios
Level 38 : Artisan Architect
Part of Legacy of Prometheus Universe.
This short story tells about the experience of Arkouda in Hemlighet, and its connection to other solutions in the meantime.

Pact accepted. About the problems they mentioned, yeah. The power generator in this place got disabled for some reason. I suspect these meteor flies are to blame. How are you going to solve this, anyways?”
Then I stared at him. He’s still questioning our ability to deal with it. “Cartoon logic!”
There’s the generator! Just like Queschlacht has said, it’s severely damaged, and its energies are seeping out. Before I was about to contact a nearby repair crew, Arkouda sensed some unknown sightings from afar. These flies have returned from hiding, having found some new lifeforms to attack.
- Thanks, while we could handle this alone, we could use some of your help in dealing with this issue. Analyze their weakness, and I’ll tell you what to do.

Just as Queschlacht had said, they had begun to form a formidable monster - the Cataclysm. It then began to resurrect the previous dead meteor flies to life.
“Zeeneedaarr!!!!”, a godlike being showed up, still shocking about his newly recovered form.
He was crazy, there had never been anyone in the world who could touch every pile of my hair, so did you torture me too much! A black hole was formed with great power, it seemed to suck us.
- It can’t be like that! You … you are crazy, I am immortal! The all into our hearts. A spark of electricity immediately shot down, the
- Ridiculous! The body was plugged into the iceberg and still screaming so much! Not to give up, a black hole appeared from the dark space, attempting to suck everything into emptiness. black hole, leaving a life wasted.
Its soul was then contained inside the prison, replacing Jennifer and Tommy. Arkouda opened the notebook and read a spell in it. Only for a moment did they leave The End, leaving the island in the past.
(Ported here directly from the manuscript, will be completed a few days later)

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