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Dice Chronicles - First Installment

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Skylie13's Avatar Skylie13
Level 17 : Journeyman Cake
(So basically I have these things called storyteller dice. They have different pictures on them. You roll them and then you use the picture to help you come up with a story. So that's what this is. Any words in bold are from the dice shown in the pic. Hope you enjoy :))

You look outside to see that it’s raining again. It’s been raining like crazy for the last week and a half. You are so fed up with it. You sigh and continue to eat your lunch watching the rain sadly. Why must it always rain? Look at my poor flowers! They have completely wilted. Flowers bring so much joy to people but wilted ones just take it away. You sigh once more and continue eating your food.

Suddenly a light bulb appears above your head. “I know!” You say aloud to the empty house as if it would answer you. “I’ll go to Petal Grove and look at all the beautiful ones there.” You say as you stand up and head to your bedroom to pack, your food left abandoned on the table, only half eaten.

You appear in the dining/living area wearing your very best hot weather clothes. You sling your bag over your shoulder and open the door, but don’t leave. “Damn. I forgot about this stupid weather.” You think as you head back inside and grab your coat. You pull it on and zip it up and pull up your hood. Making sure to pull the draw strings of it tight so your head is as protected as possible. “Now I’m ready!” You head out into the world without a second glance. Enjoying the sound of the squelchy mud beneath your feet as you head to the air taxi hangar.

As you enter the hangar, you shake yourself a little and wipe a hand over your wet face. Stupid rain. Then you look up at the display board near the entrance to see the list of available flights. You notice an aeroplane leaves in 20 minutes for Petal Grove from Take-off Point 5. What can I do for 20 whole minutes? You think as you look around. As you look, you spot a small pop up café and decide to have a drink while you wait. So you head over, look at the menu and ask for your favourite drink. As you wait for it to be made you spot so yummy looking doughnuts and decide to get one of those too.

Sitting down at an empty table, you sip your hot drink and sigh. God I needed that. You grab your doughnut and break a bit off so you can dip it in your drink. Oh so yummy. It’s the best doughnut I have tasted in a while. The drink is great too. Must come here again for this. As you sit there and steadily eat, you watch the various people coming and going from the hangar. You see people arriving, complaining about the weather and shaking off their umbrellas which leaves a large puddle of water near the entrance that only grows over time.

You tut to yourself. If some doesn’t clear that up soon then someone is gonna have an accident. Just as that thought finishes you see a young lad come racing in from the rain and slip on the puddle, crashing down to the floor. Dear lord. You think as you start to get up so you can go help him. But you soon see his mother rush in and to his side, cradling him in her arms. “Looks like he’s in safe hands,” you say as you sit back down and finish up your drink and doughnut.

“Anyone requiring the shuttle taxi to Petal Grove, please proceed to Take-off Point 5 now for boarding. The plane will be leaving in ten minutes.” An overhead voice announces. Good timing, you think as you hand back your cup to the waitress and walk over to the place where the plane sits waiting. You notice how small it is. It only holds six passengers at a time and you notice 3 other people starting to board already. You rush over to the queue so you can definitely get a seat on board. The next one isn’t for another two hours. I must get this one. I must. You repeat to yourself as the person in front of you and it’s your turn to board the plane. The pilot asks you what ticket would you like and you ask for a day ticket. You pay him the fayre and he asks whether you wanted your bag stowed at the back, you reply that you wouldn’t and step onto the plane.

You choose one of the empty seats at the rear of the plane and wait for more people to board. When no one else arrives the pilot shuts the door on them and goes to his own seat at the front. He informs them that the flight will take only an hour and that the flying conditions are perfect as he starts the engines and begins take off. You watch fascinated as the ground starts to race past you and the trees become smaller as the plan rapidly raises off the ground and soars into the sky. “Wow…” you whisper softly.

You can’t help but spend the whole time staring out the window at the clouds. They looks so different from up here. Well, everything does I guess. You decide to glance out of the window to your left this time and see some birds flying in a v formation. There is two smaller ones at the back struggling to keep up with the larger ones. Must be hard for the little ones, you think as you pass them by in the plane. I wonder what it’s like to fly. Is it hard work for birds? Or is it just so natural that it’s no bother at all? What does having feather feel like?

Questions like that fill your mind and as you ponder the answers to them you turn to stare at the seats in front of you. In no time at all to you it seems, the pilot is announcing the decent into Petal Grove. Your mind swerves away from any questions as you take a look outside through the window to your right. You see what appears to be large areas filled with a different colour and weird black specs dotted across them. As the plane approaches the ground you realise the black specs are houses and the bright coloured patches are fields and fields of flowers.

The landing is smooth and once down the pilot opens the door back up. As you wait at the rear for your turn to get off, you take your coat off and stuff it into your bag. The weather is way too hot and dry here for a coat. But, I will be needing this however. You push your coat to one side inside the bag and pull out your hat. You place it on your head securely then close up your bag and sling it back over your shoulder. When you finally look up again you see that everyone else has already vacated the plane and the pilot is waiting for you a little impatiently at the door. “Sorry,” you mutter as you scramble out of your seat, almost falling in your rush to get off which makes the pilot smile. You mutter another sorry as you stumble out the door and head towards the exit of this hangar.

You fan yourself with a hand as you can already feel the heat from outside. Phew! It’s so hot! Maybe too hot. You grumble inside your mind, already complaining even though you’ve just left a storm behind at home. You leave the hangar and immediately you are hit by a wave of unbearable heat. Wow. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea. After all, what’s so wrong with rain anyway? You walk down the grassy pathway and as you do something clinks beneath your shoe so you stop and pick it up. “It’s a key?”

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