Minecraft Blogs / Review

December Server Of The Month: CosmicPVP

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lucarallis's Avatar lucarallis
Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
Hello and welcome to December's server of the month. This is a new series I am going to be starting. At the end of each I will choose one server to showcase and review. Hope you enjoy!
        This month I chose CosmicPVP, a factions server, because, this month they have relesed many new amazing features. The first is the two new planets, Pleb Planet and Goodness Planet. These two plantes were created for the owners Woofless and TBNRfrags or Rob and Preston. Preston's planet is Pleb PLanet and Rob's planet is Goodness Planet. The planets weree create so that Woofless and TBNRfrags could start ther factions series. The response to the planet has been amazing and the planets are almost always at full capacity or only avalible or donors.
        Another great feature they realeased was the Practice Galexy where you can practice your cannoning on your own plots. On top of all that they released a new Christmas hub! Dont forget to check out the server using the IP cosmicpvp.com. Hope you enjoyed!
CreditThe Staff at CosmicPVP

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01/01/2016 9:59 am
Level 25 : Expert Artist
Jacob72902's Avatar
Um you forgot one horrible feature they added. it is that whenever you withdraw xp you can't teleport for a long time.
01/01/2016 10:24 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
lucarallis's Avatar
I thought they added that back in November.
01/01/2016 10:46 am
Level 25 : Expert Artist
Jacob72902's Avatar
No they just added it I think.
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