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Day in the life of Gwen

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GwenyCat's Avatar GwenyCat
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
I had a good day….kinda..
It all started when I woke up to a hotel wakeup call. My other sister, Abbey, and her friend, Faith, were going to go to a yoga class early in the morning. I was really tired and I wanted to go back to sleep but I couldn’t. I felt bad in my tummy.. like I was sick. I didn’t say much about it, though. Today was also the day we were leaving the city and going back to our town. And it was 9:20. We leave the hotel at 11. Crap. Abbey and Faith started packing and I started too. I felt a little off but.. yolo. My twin sister, Maddie, walked in and she starts packing, too. My hole sqaud (including my mum and dad) take the elevator down to the first floor and started to walk towards the Starbucks the hotel had and got some fraps and stuff. (also I get REALLY car sick) We load up the car and take off…aaaannndddd this is when it goes down hill… my tummy starts making weird noises (I’m in the back back of the car) and then I throw up… all over Abbey… and it was just on Abbey.. oops.

And yeah. That was MY day.

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