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Zaralith's Avatar Zaralith
Retired Moderator
Level 58 : Grandmaster Wizard
For my laptop, I did not like any of the worlds that I had because they were all very old, so I started a new world. I am mining some clay when night falls so I build a tower of sand to stand on top of so that I will be safe. I came to discover that I had made a rather poor choice now that there are several spiders and creepers waiting for me to go down. I may be able to escape with clay blocks as well. I also got to see the rare spider rider. Hooray.

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08/20/2011 6:21 am
Level 26 : Expert Ninja
killerinminecraft's Avatar
they are spider jockeys
when i was testing on my world
i made this 500x500 boxe filled with skeleton and spider spawners (used spawner GUI)
and when i enter the black box (cos its made of obsidian) there were 40 spider jockeys
anyways that world is private and has a checkpoint so good luck finding the seed :P
08/20/2011 6:22 am
Level 26 : Expert Ninja
killerinminecraft's Avatar
and it has a lot of hostile mobs the spawners were arranged in crisscrossed pattern
07/30/2011 11:11 am
Level 23 : Expert Dragon
Spyro999's Avatar
Thats good luck to see it.

i have seen it once.....
Ticket Creator
01/15/2011 5:25 am
Anonymous's Avatar
that server is alot of fun
01/11/2011 12:50 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Blockhead
Mascolls's Avatar
Oooh. Lucky on the spider rider sight! I still have never seen one.
Good luck on the next day!

A survival guide is always good for the newer players. :)
07/14/2011 9:00 am
Level 53 : Grandmaster Unicorn
Kyle_Crafty's Avatar
You don't want to D: I was on skype once and I deafened my friend for about 10 minutes freaking out hahah. I didn't even know such a thing existed until I saw it
01/09/2011 1:59 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Taco
kacboy's Avatar
Interesting, keep up some interesting things and I'll keep reading.
01/09/2011 6:28 am
Level 44 : Master Enderdragon
Skullcandy2010's Avatar
I hate it when skeletons ride spiders
c danovich
01/11/2011 10:44 am
Level 40 : Master Musician
c danovich's Avatar
i have never seen one of those:)
Ticket Creator
01/09/2011 1:46 am
Anonymous's Avatar
So, I survived by making a line of clay out above the water and jumping. I might make a 'project' on survival how-to and what important things to do are, assuming that you will not do anything crazy like light the entire world with torches.
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