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Gamedash43's Avatar Gamedash43
Level 46 : Master Miner
Dash SMP an up and coming 1.17 SMP.

So many people think 1.17 is a disappointment because there are no lush caves, sculk sensors, or bundles. But Dash SMP fixes that lush caves generate in jungles on the map to ensure you can always have access to the new building blocks. Sculk sensors can now be found on the end islands (They also respawn!). Bundles can also be crafted (Only for those at max trust. We will talk about that later). Trust is a system where the more you do on the server the more trusted you are the higher trust the more you can do! Oh! And a custom currency Refined Gold, can make refined gold yourself and don't need an admin shop. Still, to ensure inflation doesn't occur, a math system will calculate the correct number of Refined Gold in circulation and turn off crafting if the number is too high. To craft Refined Gold, you need salt crystals and gold. You get salt crystals from mining salt ore which spawns on ocean floors, and you can also find them washed up onto beaches (Rest will be inside the ingame book guide). Want to play by yourself or want to play with other people? Well, you can! When you first join, you can pick from either hermit or town. With hermit, you get randomly teleported, and with town, you get to work with other people on the server town! This is about it what Dash SMP is about, and I hope you want to join!

Join the discord to learn more and get news when the SMP releases!

Discord - https://discord.gg/SqEPEzFfdg

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