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TorrentOfPower's Avatar TorrentOfPower
Level 29 : Expert Lumberjack
                      Mob Analasist: Creeper
So Creepers are arguably the face of Minecraft,
it spells its name with a creeper face, and they are ever noob's worst
nightmare. But have you ever wondered why? I know from a YouTube video by
GameTheorist that Creepers if they were real would most likely be made of peat
moss, and I am pretty sure everyone doesn't just love peat moss without think
what it is, but we have done this to Creepers. It could be that it was made the
face of Minecraft and then people saw that as the mobs that the creators really
liked, but why would they make it the face of Minecraft? Could it be that it
was there only original monster? But that can't be there are Ghast, and Blazes,
and Wither Bosses and Endermen that are all also original. So exactly why do we
love this little pile of moss that grew legs and has been trolling newbies ever
since? My answer - Stockholm syndrome we are being held captive by a variety of
different monsters, but because the creeper has enough power to blow up half a
base we respect and fear them. Then as we respect them we start to trust them,
making plushies and homemade creepers, dressing up for Halloween as them, but
they still blow up our house. I for one think in 1.9 we should have tamable
creepers that blow up but come back to life to help us. Just imagine taking on an
onslaught of Endermen in the End with an army of Creeper.

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11/01/2014 2:06 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Toast
DaSquyd's Avatar
Ghasts and Endermen are in no way original. The reason Blazes don't get as much recognition as Creepers do is because Creepers can be found everywhere in the Overworld, making them far more common.
11/01/2014 7:08 pm
Level 29 : Expert Lumberjack
TorrentOfPower's Avatar
The first part of your comment is incorrect, in what form of media have you heard of flying wihte mosnters with tentecals that shoot fireballs and tall animal like men that teleport at will can steal square meters of what ever substance they want? The other part might be true, but in that sense Zombies should be much more popualr then most other mobs, such as Endermen or Witches.
11/02/2014 11:55 am
Level 32 : Artisan Toast
DaSquyd's Avatar
"Ghast" is derived from the word "ghastly" meaning ghost-like. The Ghast mob itself is modeled off of common depictions of ghosts (albiet with some modifications). Endermen are based off of Slenderman (both general concept and name).

Creepers are the most common mob that are completely original and not inspired from any other media.
11/02/2014 5:02 pm
Level 29 : Expert Lumberjack
TorrentOfPower's Avatar
Yes but in that sense Blazes are based off of suffering souls, and Creepers are based off the word creep which means to move around without being suspected and therefor things you dont expect, such as an explosion from a pile of leaves.
11/02/2014 8:56 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Toast
DaSquyd's Avatar
You haven't exactly proven a point here. My point is that Creepers are one of, if not the only, 100% original mob idea in the game.
11/02/2014 10:01 pm
Level 29 : Expert Lumberjack
TorrentOfPower's Avatar
And my point was that Creeprs aren't the only orgignal mob in the game.
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