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Command fun Episode 1 : Cow save my life

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steli2's Avatar steli2
Level 17 : Journeyman Artist
What's up cool guys im steli2 and i will tell you about one very funny and real story - How cow save my life :). I and my friend umnikos wanted to create The Wool Map 3 but something when't wrong. Before this error we made funny trolls :). Teleporting to The Void, spawning some mobs, flying mobs and some other tricks. But after trolls my friend made big error with command block. With really popular "command block clock" he input false command and we start to teleport in a single position 20 times in second. It was crazy ! It was really hard to destroy this command block but we find a way. We join on gamemode 3 and with commands we was in cows :D.  After some teleport commands my friend saved my life using cows. Crazy ya :D. But the project failed :(. Thats my story how my friend and some cows saved my life. Special thanks for umnikos, he is really good with command block. Thank you :)

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