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Color Theory - Art Tutorial

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Sam_The_Odd's Avatar Sam_The_Odd
Level 20 : Expert Geek
Hello and welcome to my color theory/art tutorial :D! I just wanna make this so people who ether just started drawing or are like me and can't do the colors can learn :3. I know many people will say "I know all this stuff" but most don't and it helps a lot to know the basics of it and if you do know this stuff why did you pick on this? Ok to the tutorial >:3!!!
Now let's start with colors we all know the basics the "primary colors" red yellow and blue .And if you we all know if we mix yellow and blue we get green and red and yellow is orange and with blue and red is purple and these are all called a "secondary" color .And again we all know that if we mixed purple and red we get magenta and if we had green and blue we would all get a teal type color and if we all mix orange and yellow we get orange-yellow and these are called the "tertiary" colors .And we will get in to palates and other things in the next part(s) so stay toned :D.
And now for how to make a nice work of art. So these are called "complementing colors" now I used this in the case of my avatar she has yellow and purple hair and on the color wheel we know that yellow and purple are apart from each other and this can help a lot for making a appealing piece of art. So if I put red and green together it would go good together like a rose it is a red flower and has a green bottom and leaf. And if you think "But I need more then tow main colors" well you see you don't have to only use tow colors I mean you could add all the colors of the rainbow but it doesn't look as good. But if you want three colors you can and you can call it a "triadic" group of colors and this were you can put yellow blue and red together and have that as a color set up though you can try and see what looks good to you :). And you can use more then three to make a bigger color palate just make sure it's complementing each other.
And for the part of "saturation" .Saturation is were lets say your red is getting more washed out your red is getting more in to the grey tones so therefor your red looks a bit darker and less bright and pretty as you would normale see it in lets say a red shirt and things like that. And you can do this with all the colors like yellow and green and many more. This can make it to were if you have a mostly red piece of art you can change the saturation so you get a darker red or a mid tone red.
Now for the "Brightness" of the colors. Again lets take red if you had a normale red and you keep making it brighter and brighter it will go brighter and brighter. Till you get to white and this is good for highlights and things like that.
Here for example is a real color wheel so you can see the use of it and the thing I said so farColor Theory - Art Tutorial
Ok and now for this part of it the use of "monochromatic" colors. Monochromatic colors are were you have a single color and darken it to a almost black. this can be used in a lot of things such as a red tone to again give more colors to the piece and not a straight use of just red or just blue colors. This is what gradient does for things it make the color darker and darker to make a new tone ^-^.
Now we don't want the viewer of your art to have hurting eyes from the bright colors you use. You want make sure you don't make it fully bright you want let's say a shade of green you don't want ether bright green of very dark green you want a mix of the tow to make it look better to the eye.
And now for the palate. If you want to make a palate for any thing like skin tones and things like that you will first need a main color choice lets go for the orange tones for the skin. I like to lay out the color first and make several changes to the darkness and brightness to give it more of a fleshy tone to it. You can use any skin tone color and make any shades you want :).
And now for "hue" changing. a "hue" is a fancy word for changing colors so if you do a "hue" change then that means you changed colors from the old color you were using. This is were let's say you had blue hair when you shade you want the blue hair purple for the sake of it. That's a "hue" change :3.
Ok now for pictures. If you want to make your picture look and fell a bit better it's best to make colors that are close to each other like purple magenta and blue and others as your palate. And it's ok to put it in a editor for photos to give it more of the fell you want if you couldn't with the colors you picked. A lot of people do this as using colors in the right ways can be very hard but using a photo editor to much can make it look and fell worst as you don't want to use all the tools in the editor to the full extent as it can just get to a bad point in it and look worst then you think it was before.
And for the good uses for colors. As we all know if the color wheel was cut in halve then we can see the cool colors and the warm colors. These can help to make a scene look better for if you are making a day scene or a night scene look more real and look better visually. The cool colors as we know are green blue and purple. And the warm colors are red yellow and orange. And all the tones of red are all in the warm tones even if it's a light or dark red same with yellow and orange tones no matter how bright it gets it's still in the warm tones. Same with the cool colors no matter how dark it gets it's still in the cool tones and will stay in the cool tones.
.For the highlights now. It's not suggested that you use white as highlights. It does look good for some colors like grey and black but it's suggested to use a off white of a light grey. As you see I didn't use this in the case of my avatar yes it has complementing colors but I used white as the highlights. But if you do want to make a highlight in a different color like in the case of blue it's best to use a baby blue as the highlights. It's ok not to use this but if you are getting in to art and want to do it for clients then it's better to use the lighter color of the color you are using.
Now for the use of shadows. Now if you are using a digital art tool then it's best not to use the "airbrush" tool or any other tools you may have in your art program that can be close to what the "airbrush" tool can do. It's best to take your time and don't shade in a random way the shades are normale put on the back part of the head behind the neck and an the bottom of the hair. If you can't find out if the way you are shading is correct use a picture of a persons hair or look at your own hair in the mirror to see it clearer.
Now for the way to make the hair. If you are making hair it best not to make sharp lines for the hair and to make smooth hair with a straight direction. You don't want to make random scribbles and lines you want to make a clear way for others to see it's going down and up not just lines and things thrown around. You might want to make stray hairs if the hair is look flat you might want to add tiny hairs that are coming from the head in different ways to make it look like real hair.
Now for the body. It is important to know the way a body looks so take a photo of someone even your self and try to draw it. You can do this to practice poses and learn to draw real body's together. You don't have to make extreme details in the drawing but you can add on later to make it look better it's mainly just to learn the shape of a body. And if you are doing cartoons then you still should once and a while practice body's to try and get better.
And for cartoons again. If you want to be a animator it is very important to know if you exaggerate one thing like the eyes and other things like the body you have to exaggerate every thing. As if you just exaggerate the eyes and body and not the legs and arms and things like that and not the head then it will look weird and look as if you don't normale draw animations and you don't really want that. And if you do wanna animate *like I do* then know you will see amazing animators and know they weren't original like that. They were once like you beginners like you were too. So don't worry if you don't come out making awesome animations it's important to know to practice and practice.
For the basics of digital art. I have not bin making digital art for a while but I still know a bit of things that helped me to learn. If you have a mouse and not a tablet then know that you should be patient and don't rush it. If you rush then it may not turn out as good as you want and you don't need something to be weird that you cant fix after you exit the painter. For layers you might not know what they do I didn't know ether they help to were if you have a backdrop you don't erase it over and over again cause you have the second layer on it. Now I use FireAlpaca and with that you can get custom brushes same with a lot of other ones too but if you have lets say paints that comes with your PC then you can't really get custom brushes easily and that's why you should be very patient with your art as you never know if you can fix it after you click away from your painter.
Now for programes. Yes this is not really a part of ether the "Color Theory" or "Art Tutorial" but I had trouble choseing one and this can help if you do want to start digital art. You can use very many more art programs then these but these are the basics and ones I know. Name: FireAlpaca. Pro: Can have multiple picture open. Con: Grains up if you exit. Name: Paint Tool Sia. Pro: Great program. Con: Only for windows. Name: Photoshop. Pro: Good for editing and crunching. Con: No brush control. And these are the ones I know and a bit of the basic programs that you can get and FireAlpaca is the only one that's free sorry.
Now for colors again. You have the light and the dark colors. And the lightest color on the wheel is blue if you add white to blue it gets lighter and lighter but if you add blue to other colors then you can make them brighter but if you added purple to blue it would get darker and not brighter cause it would go down a shade and not up. The darkest color of the wheel is red if you add red to a light color it would then get darker and not lighter.


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09/16/2017 11:34 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Geek
PusheenFluffyPuff's Avatar
very helpful! and interesting!
but Im too lazy to read all of it lol sorry
09/17/2017 11:59 am
Level 20 : Expert Geek
Sam_The_Odd's Avatar
it is a lot to read XD, So I completely understand ^-^. Danke very much :3.
09/02/2017 10:00 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Miner
GreenWarrior78's Avatar
09/02/2017 11:33 am
Level 20 : Expert Geek
Sam_The_Odd's Avatar
You're welcome ^-^
07/30/2017 5:32 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Skinner
quek04's Avatar
Nice thing about colors ;)
07/30/2017 6:08 pm
Level 20 : Expert Geek
Sam_The_Odd's Avatar
Danka!! :D
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