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Color blind builder

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InfinityBuildsMC's Avatar InfinityBuildsMC
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Artist
Hi my name is InfinityBuilds or Charlie.
Building is one of my hobbies but like everyone I'm not the best at it. One obstacle that I work around is being Protant color blind. In the picture provided to the left is what you see and to the right is what i see, or well for me both sides look the same. Ive looked into the color wheel and color combinations to try to fit color norms into my own builds. It is quite hard choosing colors for my build, as the color can make or break whether the build is good or not. Building with color blindness is sorta like cooking without tasting. I really have to shoot in the dark to try to make things look appealing. If you look through some of my builds you might notice is dont use much color combinations unless i have to, I will occasionally only use one color. I just thought I'd share, if you read all the way, well thanks! let me know if you have any further questions about it and or suggestions to help my builds look better or to help me figure out color combinations better.

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01/02/2018 9:14 am
Level 33 : Artisan Blockhead
Smooth-Cobalt2's Avatar
Instead of focusing on saturation and hue of the colors of the palette, you should 'adapt' to rather the value of it, which in simple terms means only look at how bright (as in lighting) a color looks to you. I have this same problem as well :p. Also searching up "What goes good with *blank* and *blank*" can really help you if you think that the colors you chose are 'wrong'. Another thing is to have a good, or smart, set-up of the colors of the blocks in the hotbar inventory; I know it sounds silly, but it will really save you time being able to know where 'troubling' colors are instantly without pausing immensely between switching blocks.
01/02/2018 11:32 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Artist
InfinityBuildsMC's Avatar
Awesome, thank you! I will try the inventory pallet idea. And yes I try to use value and shading in alot of my color choices just not color combinations as much
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