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Coco's Hardcore Survival Guide

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Cocololzzz's Avatar Cocololzzz
Level 33 : Artisan Cake
Hello Minecraftians! Have you ever wanted to try or played Hardcore, and you find yourself afraid to play or angry because it’s too difficult? Well, no worries: Me (Coco) will give you some tips and advice for this challenging game mode.

Coco's Hardcore Survival Guide

Well, I’ve played and complete hardcore several times, and I can tell you that from all the hours I’ve played hardcore, I consider myself a pro. I am also giving advice to all kinds of players, so they can have a challenging, yet fun experience while playing Minecraft Hardcore, just like I did!

Now, first thing firsts:

What is Hardcore mode?

This is one of Minecraft’s, most difficult gamemodes to play, since mobs are stronger and can kill you easily; If you die, its game over!

All the features of Hardcore:
  • You cannot respawn if you die, but you can spectate your own world after death
  • You can’t change the gamemode once you create the world
  • The difficulty is set to hardest by default
  • You get hungry, fast and often
  • Mobs are stronger
  • No bonus chests
  • No cheats

Tips for Hardcore

Before playing:
  • Preferably play normal Survival Minecraft prior to Hardcore
  • Make sure to know the essential crafting recipes
  • Also, make sure you know how to fight and react in combat

First night:
  • Play safe
  • Collect as much wood and food as you can (and some wool for a bed)
  • Illuminate your house surroundings as much as you can
  • Don’t use regular doors for housing; Zombies can break them!
  • If possible, place as many glass windows as you can.
  • Don’t focus on building a fancy house
  • Don’t go venturing at night, neither mining! (especially if you have no equipment)
Coco's Hardcore Survival Guide

Following nights (and goals):
  • Create a plant/animal farm
  • Expand your base
  • Mine for the essentials (coal and iron), and make yourself some armor. Once you get your iron armor, you can now go mining for diamonds.
  • Find a mob spawned, so you can create a mob/xp grinder
  • Enchant equipment, if required
  • Go to the nether (optional)
  • Prepare and go to the End

Additional tips:
  • Listen to your surroundings, and check behind you occasionally
  • Don’t engage in a fight against a pack of mobs, especially if you don’t have enough equipment
  • Watch out for your camera positioning, you don’t want to look at an ender by ‘accident’
  • Illuminate as much as possible, especially around your house
  • Always try to sleep at night
  • Make your house as visible as possible, or carry a map/compass
  • Carry a clock when mining
  • Stay away from caves, unless you are well equipped. Beware of mineshafts and mob spawners!
  • Preferably live in a biome that is mostly clear of trees, like plains.
  • Wear armor when going exploring
  • If you think the fight against a mob will kill you, you should run away
  • Always carry a lot of food; Preferably cooked beef.
  • Avoid jumping and running too much, since your hunger will go up fast. Run when it’s really needed
  • Clean your inventory as much as you can, get rid of all the trash you don’t need!
  • Don’t hoard useless items!
  • Keep a water bucket handy; you can put fire away, and you can also push a hoard of zombies
  • Carrying a bucket of milk can also come handy, since witches can throw potions at you, cave spiders will give you poison, and wither skeletons will give you wither effect.
  • Your hot bar should have, at least, these essential items: Sword, Shield, Axe (when cutting wood) or Shovel/Pickaxe (for mining), lots of food, water bucket, and torches.

Coco's Hardcore Survival Guide

Challenges after mastering Vanilla Hardcore
  • Don’t build and/or live in a house; Nomad challenge
  • Sleepless challenge; Never sleep on a bed
  • Unlock all achievements in Hardcore mode
  • Play Hardcore on Servers, or multiplayer
  • Ultra Hardcore mode; No normal regeneration
  • Play Hardcore with mods; I recommend playing the following mods/modpacks:

1.- The Twilight Forest mod (more mobs and bosses)
2.- Advent of Ascension or Nevermine (more weapons, mobs and bosses)
3.- Infernal Mobs mod (more challenging mobs, and rewarding too)
4.- Special Mobs mod (variety of different and powerful mobs)
5.- EnviroMine mod (adds thirst and other features to your survival experience)
6.- Hexxit Modpack: from technic launcher (Roleplay like modpack, with variety of dungeons and mobs)
7.- Departed: from Feed the Beast launcher (Challenging modpack, with variety of dangers and challenges)

Additional Tips

Ways to get better before jumping into hardcore:
  • Minecraft hunger games (item management skills)
  • PVP servers (combat and reaction skills)
  • Building! (fast block placement)

For less or more challenge:
  • Set brightness to the highest setting, or the opposite if you want more challenge
  • Set your mouse sensitivity to comfortable, yet easy to move. Don’t set it too high, unless you want to challenge yourself (I don’t recommend it)
  • Choose a seed that you are familiar with, or one that has plenty of resources. For challenge, you can go with a random seed and hope for the best, or you can also choose a unusual seed (such as island areas)
  • You can live in a plains biome (easy), or a jungle for challenge.
  • You can try strip mining for even less difficulty; However, this removes the fun of hardcore

Tips for multiplayer Hardcore (coming soon)
Hidden content here!

Did I forgot something? Is something unclear? Or would you like to suggest something?
Let me know in the comments!

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06/28/2017 4:16 pm
Level 84 : Elite Jarl
Aspirin60's Avatar
You like it heavy? Good tipps,bro!
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