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Clown and the Dog - Part 3 [Creepypasta]

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InsaneCreepypastas's Avatar InsaneCreepypastas
Level 7 : Apprentice Warrior
As I ran through the forest I heard some noise coming from the gas station-like building. I ran and ran to it. It was much further than it looked. I ran and ran but after about 3 minutes of this, I realized I was getting no closer. And just like that a trap door in the ground swung open and I feel into an enormous chasm. As I slammed against a platform made of some trampoline type material the iron, trapdoor above me flung shut. I lifted my heavy head off the platform to see the clown and dog fully suited ready to charge. At this point I had no escape. All I could do is slowly backup as they walked closer, and closer while tapping bats and other weapons up against their hands. I eventually was backed up so far that I was against the wall. When the two individuals were just 2 or so feet away is when I got launched out of the chasm. The spot that I had been stepping on had been a catapult. I reached the sky, then came plunging down straight into a tree. I heard some teenage voice calling me down from below. I climbed down, severely scratched and bruised. The boy said, “Hey what's up man, I’m Oliver. Saw you were having some trouble over in that pit so I decided to pop you out. Here is my little home.” Oliver brought me over to the gas-station like building and toured me around it for a while. He told me about how he got in the same situation I did and that his grandfather saved him, sadly passing away 5 years ago. I told Oliver about my situation and about how there were these two crazy men dressed up as clowns and dogs chasing me. He told me that he had thought the clown and dog were arrested years ago, but apparently not. Oliver told me he was gonna go scout the place to make sure we lost the clown and dog.

10 minutes later.

I was lying on Oliver’s couch when I began to hear banging on the roof. I frantically sprang up and called around for Oliver. He was nowhere to be found. Both the clown, and the dog, came crashing through the ceiling. They took their masks off and I was stunned to see Oliver, the clown and an elderly man, the dog staring straight at me with pure white, circular eyes.

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