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City of Cobalt | Chapter 1 : New Beginnings

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blue_dalmation's Avatar blue_dalmation
Level 12 : Journeyman Crafter
"Maybe it will be alright," I thought. "Maybe this will be our fresh start."

I was gazing out of the window, the edge of my tattered suitcase digging into my hip. We were moving - when I say 'we' , I mean my Dad and I. The last few months, they've been far from desirable. I won't go into all the details, but Dad lost his job and Mum left us for someone else : she was a worthless use of space anyway, I didn't care much for her. Dad, on the other hand, was destroyed by this, but he's recovering from it now. We couldn't afford to pay for the house in the district we lived in , so we were forced to move to a different district in Cobalt.

There are 9 district in the city : Horizon, Crimson, Alpha, Emerald Area , Kira North, Ryni, Tevra, East Wing and Westlead.Crimson , East Wing and Alpha are the richest areas, Horizon, Ryni and Emerald Area are the middle income areas and Westlead, Kira North and Tevra are the downtown, lower income areas.

We used to live in Ryni when Dad was still in work and Mum was still around. That's in the past now. My Dad has not actually told me where we are moving to. It's probably out of fear, the fear that I won't like the district. To be honest, I didn't make many friends in Ryni and I never really explored the place, so I wasn't attached to the district as my Dad, but I'll still miss it. We are starting a new chapter in our lives, a fresh start, a blank slate.

I gaze out of the window again. My suitcase digs into my side again. We would have taken the underground minecart train, but we couldn't afford even the most basic of compartments, so we travelled on the regular train, with it's torn seats and foul smelling carriages. I don't know the name of the district we are moving to, all I know that it's one of the lower income areas and that it's on the opposite side of town.

Hopefully it will be better. We can leave our past behind in that other district.

The bullying.
The worthless motherly figure.
The awful school I attended.
Just everything...

I gazed out of the window . All the trees and the setting sun were blurring as we rapidly rushed past. I looked down at the blue leather tunic sat in my lap . I just sat there thinking about our new life.

I thought , " Maybe this will be our escape ; maybe this will be our new start..."

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05/28/2017 5:12 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Crafter
blue_dalmation's Avatar
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