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Chapter Three: Open Fire | The Anarchist Pt. 1

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LegendarySi's Avatar LegendarySi
Level 46 : Master Baconator
Open Fire - Diiby

Stupid IGEBM, I thought, why’d you have to triple lock every stinking door? Before IGE touched that pod thing and went crazy, leaving me to care for his sector, He had decided to triple code lock the door to his office, the door to the hallway to his office, and the elevator that took me to that door. This whole place was a mess recently, and now there was a horde of astral beasts heading our way. Honestly, the stuff I’ve signed up for.

When I finally entered his old office I took a look around the room. Papers were thrown everywhere, books had fallen off their shelves, and when I flipped on the lights half were burnt out. On the desk was a computer with a stack of documents and folders next to it.

I didn’t want to stay in this mess for long so I focused on what I came for. I walked around the desk and saw that the monitor was already on. I pulled out the chair and sat, curious to see what was on a deceased SCLs desktop. There was a singular notification, no open apps. It read: “File transfer completed, remove External Hard Drive.”

He apparently never finished whatever He was doing because the Hard Drive was still plugged in. I closed the notif and opened Security System. I needed to deactivate the lockdown sequence that shut off the Nether Portal access, so the Luminous Gang reinforcements could enter the base. But of course, as everything had been, it was locked. I had no clue what the password was. I tried several random guesses. “IGEBM”, “IronMaiden”, “Metallica1234”, “iLockTooManyDoors” but none worked.

I looked at my watch. It was 10:02 AM, the reinforcements were supposed to arrive at 10:15, so I had to hurry. There was no telling how long before the Astral Beast Scouts arrived. My phone vibrated in my pocket and I pulled it out. It was Centurion Toast calling.

“High Battlemaster Diiby, why are the portals closed?”

“The lockdown sequence is stuck; I can’t deactivate it.”

“So what do we do?”

“Got any pickaxes?”

I could hear his long sigh over the phone.

“Get to mining men!”

Then he hung up.

I stood up to leave, but stopped when a notification appeared on the monitor. “Connection made, location set: 1122.27” I wasn’t sure what it meant but knowing the Maddened One it couldn’t have been good if he did it. I clicked the button on the intercom on the desk.

“This is High Battlemaster Diiby, I need tech support in here as soon as possible.”

I wasn’t sure if it was anything important, but that number, 1122.27, that was this universe, one of the Chaosus cluster of universes. And anything involving inter-dimensional travel was a danger.

My phone rang again, this time it was Clay, the other High Battlemaster in charge of the North District with me.


“Diiby the snipers spotted a few scouts on the ridge to the west. We only have a few minutes.”

“Get all infantrymen on that side, the reinforcements are almost through.”

“What about you?”

“I’m headed to the armory first, I’ll meet you up there.”

“Okay, hurry.”

I finished suiting up in my armored uniform and walked over to the weapon racks. I slung a rifle over my shoulder and walked over to the sword rack. Most soldiers preferred not having the extra weight of a close combat weapon, especially a sword. But I couldn’t go into a fight without one, specifically my custom forged Rapier. I tied the sheath around my waist and slid the sword in, then made my way towards the West wall.

As soon as I arrived I saw the hundreds of infantrymen that stood on top and hundreds more below, and I climbed the ladder up to where Clay stood.

“Are the reinforcements here?” I asked.

“They broke through the portals entrance and are making their way here now.”

“Good, and the beasts?”

“No sign of them yet.”

“Sir! Look!” A soldier pointed to the ridge.

I watched as hundreds of Astral Beasts poured over the ridge directly towards us, and hundreds more, and more, and more. Soon several hundred flyers flew above the rest rapidly. I turned to Clay. He shook his head and I could see the fear in his eyes. This was more than we were prepared for.

I took a deep breath, and shouted: “Open fire!!!”

Finally back! Maybe not to weekly publishing but at least it's something lol.
The video is the soundtrack, trust me it adds a lot.
And yes Diiby, I remembered your favorite weapon lol.

Cast: Diiby, ClayMan1077, T0ast

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10/25/2023 1:10 pm
He/Him • Level 40 : Master Toast Chef
T0ast's Avatar
Great job Si!
10/25/2023 6:21 pm
Level 46 : Master Baconator
LegendarySi's Avatar
Thanks :D
10/09/2023 6:54 pm
Any/All • Level 25 : Expert Strawberry Procrastinator
Weirdness's Avatar
??? What is this ???
10/09/2023 7:06 pm
Level 46 : Master Baconator
LegendarySi's Avatar
It's my story I'm writing :D
10/02/2023 8:32 pm
She/Her • Level 28 : Expert Explorer Pixel Painter
SynthesizedEcho's Avatar
me trying to remember my steam password be like:
ok but fr tho this is cool dude
10/02/2023 10:00 pm
Level 46 : Master Baconator
LegendarySi's Avatar
XD thank you
I'm glad you're enjoying them
10/02/2023 10:19 pm
She/Her • Level 28 : Expert Explorer Pixel Painter
SynthesizedEcho's Avatar
hell yea
ima try and keep on track with these as they come out
its cool
10/02/2023 10:26 pm
Level 46 : Master Baconator
LegendarySi's Avatar
please do, cuz it's gonna be awesome
... when I have time X'D

thanks lol
10/02/2023 10:28 pm
She/Her • Level 28 : Expert Explorer Pixel Painter
SynthesizedEcho's Avatar
i bet it will be
also mood
i would do writing of my own but i have 0 attention span nor time for it lmao
10/02/2023 10:29 pm
Level 46 : Master Baconator
LegendarySi's Avatar
same lol
I barely make time for this
10/01/2023 5:21 pm
He/Him • Level 56 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar
lol the whole triple-locking thing reminds me of something IDW Prowl would do

and of course my password isn't my name, my locking obsession, or something Iron Maiden or Metallica related!

it's "LetTheStormDescendUponYou"
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