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Chapter Six: The New Sword And The Grim Woman.

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MirrorSabotage's Avatar MirrorSabotage
Level 16 : Journeyman Architect
"Well Sir, you'll need a better weapon than that piece of crap!' Said Croke

"OK... if you think so."

"I do think so... stone might beat back Octramen but not the bad things along the Prim-Whirl Path. Now follow me to the weapon shop!"

The two walk about twelve yards before stopping, "Here we're are, 'The Broken Sword' the weapon shop here!" Said Croke with a smirk.

Looking back at the Elders house, "OK?! Lets go in then."

As they walk in Player notices a sword with a nice blue crystal in the top of the handle that seams to glow the more he looked at it.

"Arr... I see you've noticed the 'Sword Of Notch', she is beautiful isn't she?!" Boomed a voice from the shadows behind the counter.

"Yes she is and she has one heck of a crystal in her!" Said Player as he stared at it.

"Indeed she does. That gem is the rarest of it's kind, only found in the deepest part of the crystal caves near the Prim-Whirl bush's. She's yours for 20 gold pieces." Boomed the shopkeeper.

"But all I have is one gold piece...!" Said Player

"Oh well too bad then."

"Wait, Sir is there a way we can earn it?"

"...Let me think...!"

"We just need a good enough sword to get to the Prim-Whirl bush's to save Mich, Croke!"

"If your going to the Prim-Whirl Bush's then you can get some crystals for me... then you can have the sword... tell you what, you can take it now as long as you fill this backpack up with crystals... deal?"

"What do you say Sir?" Croke said to Player

"What kind of crystal do you want?" asked the Player

"Well young man, I'm short of the red and green ones... get me a bunch of those, then the sword is yours."

"Well OK then you have yourself a deal!" while shaking hands to seal the deal.

As the player grabbed the sword it started to glow, "Wow what is happening?" said Player bewildered at what is happening.

"Well, well, well... so that crystal must be yours." said Croke


"Yes young man, every person has a crystal that respond to them, and this one response's to you there for it must belong to you... tell you what, you don't have to get anything, the sword is yours for free!" said the shopkeeper

"Oh no... I'll get you those crystal's for you!" Said Player "You put work into this sword, so giving it away for free is a bit unfair to you!"

"OK young man fair enough... looking for your return!"

Player and Croke walked out of The Broken Sword and looked at each other, "Well I've got a sword... what about you?"

"I've got a bow back at my place, I'll go get it..." Croke runs off "I'll meet you on the path to the north" Shouted Croke

Player looked at his new sword, "Well Sword Of Notch... I'm counting on you to be good."

Player walks towards the north part of town, and see's a nice looking young lady working outside making armor. She looks up and see's Player and smiles. Player's heart skips a beat when he see's her large green eyes, and he smiles back.

"Hello stranger... new in town I see, and that's a nice sword you have there!"

Aye am new in town and thanks! People call me Player nice to meet you." smiled Player

"People call me, Grim...!" She smiles.

"Grim?" wondered Player

"Well all those I've traveled with have meet their doom...!" Grim said looking back down at her work.

"I bet it's not cause of you... your just in the wrong places at the wrong time!"

"Maybe... but people wont travel with me cause of it!"

"I'm willing to take that chance, just to prove that name wrong! Come with me I might need your skill in armor repair!"

Grim looks at Player with amazement, "Your not scared?"

"I've been in worse and seen worse that some stupid name!" Player smiled

"OK, let me get my stuff them." She goes into her house.

'Nice I got the stuff' thought Player

Grim walks out with a Warhammer with a bright green crystal in the handle, "I'm ready, let's go!" she starts to walk but stops and turns to Player, "What is it?"

"Does that crystal response to you, if you don't mind me asking?"

"Well yes it does, why do you ask?"

"The reason why I ask is because the crystal in this sword responds to me!"

"Does it I bet the two of you will do well together... now lets go... where are we going by the way?"

"We first need to go get some red and some green crystals from the crystal caves and also get some Prim-Whirl fruit!"

"OK then to the north!" Shouts Grim

'I'm going to have my hands full with this one!' Player thought to himself

At the north side of the town Grim and Player meets Croke, "What the... why you here Grim, I'm too young and good looking to die!"

"Croke I invited her along and we're not going to die, she just happens to be misunderstood and be in the wrong place an the wrong time!"

"That's right misunderstood!" Charmed Grim

"If you say so Sir but if we die on your head it shall be! Lets go where first the bush's or the caves?"

"Caves first then the bush's. That's your Bow is it... wait it's got a orange crystal?"

"Yes, I got it as a present last year, it's mine... it only responds to me like the one in your new sword..."

"And the one in my Warhammer!" Chimes Grim

"Yes... wait you use a Warhammer? I would of thought you world use a short sword!"

"Nope, Warhammer feels better than a sword to me."

"So all three of us have a weapon with crystals that responds to each of us... a bit of coincidence if you ask me."

"...Maybe we were meant to travel together... who knows!"

"Ether way we're traveling and that is all that matters now lets go!" Said Player

"Agreed." Grim and Croke said together

They walk together towards the cave and the bush's.

To be continued...

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