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Chapter 1: Innocent Blood (story of Minecraft)

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mattsonkie's Avatar mattsonkie
Level 36 : Artisan Scribe
"Zombies mourn for the living and celebrate those who will soon be given the gift of death"

The flesh dripped and oozed from walls and doors as the blood pooled in thick puddles along the street and sunk into the gravel pushing away beneath my feet. only the look of the houses around me could compare to the disgusting stench sinking into my soul as if wafting from the darkest bit of the nether. it was finally day and i was safe. i had lost it all once again. the zombies had come in hordes with that stench floating in a thick cloud around them. green with decay and broken from the travel. They were driven by a hunger that no living creature could ever comprehend. i doubt the dead even comprehend it.
I am Zeper of the Badlands,named that because that is where the zombies originated. they follow me. i am writing this journal so no one will make the same mistake as me. i need to stop it, but i might die trying to. so let me start at the beginning of this long and horrid tale of love, loss, and everything inbetween. i hope you're sitting while you're reading this for this tale's only match for its length is the length of my life.

i'm at a block for this story if anyone has any ideas please tell me

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