Minecraft Blogs / Let's Play

*Fixed* Catastrophic Pandemonium MCPE w/ Catacorn16 Ep 1

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BleedingBlack's Avatar BleedingBlack
Level 28 : Expert Skinner
Catacorn16 and I decided to start a new series since we have Catastrophic Pandemonium. This is the first video in the series that went live yesterday on my YouTube channel. Please note that we are having a lot of trouble getting her audio to record in my recordings. I'm not sure what we are doing wrong but we can't get it to work, so if you have any idea on how to fix this so you'll be able to hear both of us talk in the videos, that would be really appreciated! This is all being recorded via mobile.

Catastrophic Pandamonium

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01/01/2019 8:04 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Taco
smallsickgamer's Avatar
video not here??
01/02/2019 2:26 pm
Level 28 : Expert Skinner
BleedingBlack's Avatar
I'm not sure what happened with the video link but I fixed it! It should work now :)
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