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LauraLOVESEevees's Avatar LauraLOVESEevees
Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
Today I want to talk about bullies.
You all know what Bullying is right?
I think that we should make a difference, when somebody is being bullied what would you do?
A. Run away like a pussy.
B. Defend them and get an adult to help.
If you chose B, you are a wonderful person my friend. Helping and getting an adult is the best thing to do! don't continue fighting, you might get hurt too! Like I did...
If you are being bullied what would you do?
A. Get an adult.
B. Continue fighting until it gets worse.
If you chose A, you are a VERY wise person, I chose B because I was stupid, I got scars all over my face for that.
Now I would like to tell you my story:
I was at the park after school with my friend, Let's call her Girl 1. We were at the swings, minding our own buisness, then Girl 2 came, she is one year older than me, she joined us at the swings, we were happy. CELLPHONE SHUT THE FUDGE UP! Sorry about that, let's go back to story time shall we? Ok. We were all very happy until Boy 1 came with his friend, Boy 2, they kicked us off the swings so we sat on a bench, then they sat next to us and started throwing rocks at us, I got pissed and threw a pencil at them, they laughed, I chased them LIKE A BAWS (In my little imagination) But I was slow, tried kicking them, they punched back, I fell, BLAH BLAH BLAH. until I got tired and sat on another bench, THEY CAME BACK. how wonderful! Right next to me there was a tree that didn't have leaves, it had spiky stuff, they grabbed them and threw them at me, I covered my face and stared crying. They ran away like pussies, ANGRY LAURA WAS ANGRY. I THREW A HUGE ROCK AT THEM! Yeah...!, Girl 2 went to grab some rocks and a stick if they came back, THEY CAME BACK AND AMBUSHED US! I ran crying to a tree and sat on it, my friends followed me, the boys walked past us, Girl 2 went in ninja mode and followed them, she came back, they boys discovered her, and I said "RUN FOR IT!" THEY FOLLOWED US! I escaped with Girl 1 but Girl 2 had to stay because her parents work at a food stand nearby. I went home, my mom cheered me up. THE END.
That's all folks! Feel free to share you opinion and or stories down below!

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