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Built in voice communication

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MattJamesA's Avatar MattJamesA
Level 27 : Expert Toast
There have been many voice communications such as Skype, team speak and discord. I hate having multiple tabs open at once just for discord which slows down my computer. Every server doesn't use the same voice chat technology. Some use discord while others use team speak. It is annoying trying to remember which servers use which chat. I wish Minecraft created an voice chat for worlds so if two players in the same world they may toggle voice chat and talk to each other. I would love to jump into a mini game server and play a mini game with people in my specific mini game. This would help build a community in a server and help players communicate with each other and strive for long lasting friendships.

To help create friends, a new button on the menu similar to realms would be added. This button would allow minecraft users to send friend requests to each other and if accepted allow them to join servers their friends are already playing. This would also be a way to direct message any minecraft user who you are friends with.

Commands for Friends and voice chat include but are not limited to:
Friend Commands

/friend - sends a friend request to the specified user.
/unfriend - removes a friend from the friends list.
/report - reports the user ( Wouldn't be used much except for harassment claims)
/friendcall - calls a friend who is playing.

Voice commands

/vjoin - Joins the worlds voice channel
/vleave - leaves the worlds voice channel
/vauto - enables/disables auto joining of voice channels.
/vban - bans a user from joining the voice channel
/vmute - can mute your mic so others can not hear.
/vignore - can ignore others players so you don't have to hear them.

More commands would be added to admins and owners for servers so they can regulate the chat. This would help prevent rules being broken on servers such as curse words. A possible feature could be a word blocker. This would be a bot, which when a specific word is said, has the the ability to ban that user from the voice chat for a certain period of time. The word blocker could also discretely mute players for a few minutes if they are asked personal questions such as "where do you live?" or "What is your SSID?" This would mute the player about to answer the question so the information doesn't get out. If the player really wants to tell the information then they could make a voice party to share the information.


People talk about internet safety and I understand that is a key issue. If you want to use this new implantation of the game, then you would need to verify your age and email on the Mojang website. This would give you access to voice channels, friend button and let you communicate with others.

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08/15/2017 2:42 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Lava Rider
eagoy's Avatar
Nice idea, not directly to minecraft itself related but in a way I think useful for the console versions of it. For example when playing with friends you know.

Nice one, good luck in the contest although you're competition.
Pika Punch
08/01/2017 9:47 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Network
Pika Punch's Avatar
I disagree a lot. Mainly because of the fact of rule breakers, and then you would have a child-friendly server and then people would be saying cuss words or innapropriate words. So I definetly disagree about having voice communication.
08/03/2017 7:08 pm
Level 27 : Expert Toast
MattJamesA's Avatar
That is completely fine that you disagree with me! I agree that rule breakers and trolls will break this system and that cuss word and other bad language. To combat this problem, Users would have to have a parents permissions and/or verify their age. This would help combat the problem.
Pika Punch
08/06/2017 12:22 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Network
Pika Punch's Avatar
So you are saying that to be able to join the voice chat you would need to have age restriction. So who's child is going to ask for permission? Haha, they will either lie or they will input a fake age and just get on the voice chat anyway. The parent wouldn't even know. But I do get your point. Oh and there is another thing to keep in mind, just a few words. "Skype" "Discord" "Teamspeak"
07/31/2017 9:07 pm
Level 45 : Master Procrastinator
mincerafter42's Avatar
There is one problem with voice chat. People without microphones.
08/03/2017 7:03 pm
Level 27 : Expert Toast
MattJamesA's Avatar
Well then those people just would not use it unless they buy a mic. This would not completely eliminate the text chat in minecraft. This would just give another option for users to use to communicate :D
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