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Building the Perfect House fit for You

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breezter's Avatar breezter
Level 45 : Master Wizard
NOTICE: Keep in mind while reading the following that cliffs are the best way to protect your home from creepers.

Houses come in different shapes, sizes, and designs. But a lot of people just don't build them where they look good or a least right. For example, I prefer a small wood plank house with a triangle wood roof. I also like things to look professional (even). But back to you. Before building your house, think of the design you'd like to follow. Would you like it square? A circle? Or maybe even in a diamond form! After figuring the design, it's time to find your resources.

Before just going all over your world looking for random things, figure out what would look best in your enviroment. If your in a snowy area, the best looking house would be just plan wood (to represent a log cabin). Or maybe your in a dry desert, perhaps maybe wooden planks, sandstone, or maybe even cobblestone depending on your taste in exterior design. But wait, that's not all. You also need to figure how many doors you would like, rooms, windows, and beds. When you've got a picture image in your head, it's time to get the resources.

Now, go back to when I stated, "...Or maybe your in a dry desert, perhaps maybe wooden planks, sandstone, or maybe even cobblestone...." In a desert, you most likely won't find any trees unless you have tree saplings on you, or are near a forest. But if your far out, the best thing is to make your house out of sandstone or cobblestone. But in a forest, you have tons of wood surronding you so just get chopping wood! You'll probably need two wooden axes or one iron (depending on how many trees you plan to cut). In a desert you'll probably need one iron pickaxe, or one iron shovel (in case of sand.) But when digging around sand, be careful not to squash yourself in it! Next, figure how big (The reason why we looked for resources first, is because you might need extras to build on the inside. But you ALWAYS get A LOT of resources, because trust me, they go FAST).

Do you like mansions? Or cozy cottages? Or a spooky castle? Whatever you like, YOU get to decide what it looks like and how big or small it is! Before randomly building, think of how much stuff you'd like to put on the inside. Lots, or just a little safe house for waiting out the night? The perfect size for a small cozy house is probably 4x4 or maybe even 5x5. Small right? If you'd like to go a little bigger try, 6x6 or 7x7 for a medium sized house. The biggest house I've ever made is about 12x2, and thats huge honestly (way to big for me. 12x12 is 144 blocks total). But if you just want a normal mansion (not a castle) I'd go with either 9x9 or 10x10. A castle can be as big as you want it really. But I guess that works with every size. Next, the roof.

Roofs take a ton of resources depending on the size of your house or what style you want your roof to take. Like I said, I prefer either what I call an "acorn shell" roof or the regular house roof. The reason why I call it an "acorn shell" is because that's what it looks like, just in a square form. Just try your best to put the image in your mind T_T.... But if you went with the circle house, go with a circle roof. If you went with a square house, go with either a square roof or a triangle one. But whatever floats your boat, really. When your finished, it's time to do the interior & and exterior decorating.

Interior decorating can be fun. Can be. Or not so much. But anyways... When you look inside your house, you see what design? Correct, whatever resource you choose to use on the outside. And the floor?? Correct, the floor of the resource you built the house on (kind-of a no brainer, right?) :D So just take a good look and pick out the color... Or wood... Or whatever you planned it to look like... For example, a log cabin's floor can be wood, that will actually look fairly good, the best when you use the different shade's of wood this game has. Or for a sandstone house, probably a wood or cobble stone... And with wooden planks, well anything really works. But I warn you, don't use a to light color in a wooden plank house, you CAN use white, but don't use a light green or anything because the wooden planks are light enough. But if you think a light color would look good, then go ahead and use a light color, it's not my house. Let's move on to the rooms. You can figure out how you want them to look, O.K.? But decorating them is the key. Use a different floor in every room, it looks really cool in the final outcome. For bedrooms or living rooms I suggest a wool floor, a kitchen a wood, a dining room wood, and a basement either cobblestone or wool. And watch out for the furniture, you probably won't want a bed in the kitchen or a furnace in the living room, so just make sure you really planned everything out. You can also build some furniture out of things like signs, but I saw someone else had posted a blog on it, so you can just check that out. ;) Next, exterior.

Exterior decorating is windows (actually that is part of the design... I just forgot about it), having chairs outside, a pool or pond (part of the design... whoops), or maybe even a little campsite. But like I have been saying, it's your house! You decide. A pond or pool I would make smaller then the house. If you went with a small house, I would actually make it BIGGER and to the side. If you made a medium house, make the pool/pond half the size. Same with the mansion. With castles you can actually build a bigger pool/pond, to make it a moat. But don't forget about the protection of the house.

Creepers come and go, and if you've got your back turned, a creeper can come up and literally blow your house to pieces. All your hard work.. Gone just like that. To protect your house, you probably want to do any of the following-
*Build a moat (will only slow the creeper)
*Look back at location, cliffs make the best home (use the seed, Glacier)
*If a creeper approaches, run AWAY from the house, NOT in it.

I hope this helps a little on building the perfect house(: If you have any questions, ask me in the comments. :D

UPDATE: The mod, Mo's Creeps is a little over powered and scientists tend to build houses so I recommend building houses in caves or high up. Glacier is the perfect seed for mods and stuff.

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01/03/2012 8:17 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Crafter
Meichrob7's Avatar
also if your having trouble you might want to switch to peacefull for a while when you first start out. My first house was a small island with a huge cliff surrounded by water. i then used buckets to make the water flow away from my house to protect from creepers (ur really good at writing blogs and because of your epic epicness on this and your story im gonna go through and give you a diamond to like all of your posts)
01/05/2012 8:00 pm
Level 45 : Master Wizard
breezter's Avatar
Yes, peaceful would help!

12/19/2011 1:31 am
Level 24 : Expert Dragonborn
TheFUUU's Avatar
I build very deep in the forest. trees and rivers block the way for creepers and this (kinda) helped me.
12/19/2011 9:59 am
Level 45 : Master Wizard
breezter's Avatar
okayy(: Glad I (kinda) helped :)
12/03/2011 10:18 am
Level 43 : Master Musician
skatefreek's Avatar
You get a diamond and sub!:D I have never seen a blog like this...great job, and thanks for the help
01/01/2012 3:42 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Unicorn
Endmonaut's Avatar
Yeah, pretty nice. I've already done some of the things you said before seeing this, but also learned some new stuff. Great job!
(by the way, what do mean by "Glacier is the perfect seed for mods and stuff"?)
01/04/2012 6:27 pm
Level 43 : Master Musician
skatefreek's Avatar
01/05/2012 7:56 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Unicorn
Endmonaut's Avatar
Oh, sorry, not you. The dude who wrote the blog post.
12/19/2011 9:59 am
Level 45 : Master Wizard
breezter's Avatar
01/01/2012 3:43 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Unicorn
Endmonaut's Avatar
Yeah, pretty nice. I've already done some of the things you said before seeing this, but also learned some new stuff. Great job!
(by the way, what do mean by "Glacier is the perfect seed for mods and stuff"?)
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