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Axewemolga's Building Lessons: #1 Community and Basic Depth

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axewemolga's Avatar axewemolga
Level 27 : Expert Fish
Hey guys, so I'm gonna start this new blog series, where I teach you how to build! I'm going to teach you some of basic and advanced techniques that I have learnt over the years from the building community! This blog post won't have too much - it's mainly just an introduction, by the way.

So, first things first. There are many different approaches to building, and since everyone is different, there's no one correct way to build. However, there are techniques, as well as tips and tricks, that can help your build look better!

One really important thing about building is the community! Building is fun alone, but it's even better with other people giving you advice, no? I really like building servers because they all tend to focus on different ideas, and they're all GOOD ideas. Although I've had some ups and downs with certain servers (cough cough most of them), they all have ideologies that I thoroughly respect. Here are a few that I really like and the reasons why:

Some good servers:
Sunfury (creative.sunfury.org)- Sunfury really stresses creativity! Which is often revitalizing if you see a lot of builds that are similar.
Ravand (ravand.org)- Ravand does a great job of stressing 4 key points: atmosphere, detail, purpose, and style.
Mithrintia, I mean athion (play.athion.net)- I know that sometimes the mithrintia community was made fun of for overdetailing, it's one of the servers that taught me a lot. It stresses no specific thing, but really helped me with detailing.
Vadact Creative (us.shotbow.net and then typing in /vadactbuild)- Vadact is great because it really emphasizes a well-rounded plot, which often contains terrain, organics, and structure!

Ok so let's learn about a basic idea, depth!
So let's start with depth.
No matter what style you build in, depth is really important. It accentuates detail and attracts your eye to a specific place on your build. Here are some examples of wall panels with multiple layers of depth (bigger builds often require more depth, since you view them from farther away):
Click for wall panel examples
And just to show how many block layers that is exactly, here's a side view:

View the rest of the tutorial collection here!

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12/31/2014 11:29 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Engineer
qaupperops's Avatar
I like this!
01/01/2015 3:29 pm
Level 27 : Expert Fish
axewemolga's Avatar
Thanks! When I have time, I'll definitely make more! :)
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