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TheQueenOfSpace's Avatar TheQueenOfSpace
Level 1 : New Miner
So, I was shifting through some random crap on here, and then I found this: http://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/the-immaturity-of-budder/

And thus, this blog post was born.

Okay, seriously? There are WAY too many idiots going around saying "IT'S BUDDER NOT GOLD U DUM STOOPID FACE" on EVERY SINGLE GOD DAMN EFFING SERVER I GO ON!!! I was caving one day, and I found some gold. Since it's pretty much useless, I asked anyone if they wanted all the gold I found after I was done. Then, about 10 people called me stupid for not saying budder instead. And then you want to know what happened? I got banned from the damn server. It turns out that one of the idiots that called me stupid was the owner's brother/sister/whatever, and was basicly like a second owner. And now, every time I go onto a server and mention the word "gold", a bunch of crapfaces go on and on about how it's called budder.

Another thing: Instead of getting more, you're re repelling and losing. I watched Sky's videos a lot before.What I mean by repelling and losing, I mean by saying "OMFG BUDDER HURRR" and crap, people will start to not like him so much anymore because EVERYONE goes on about one stupid thing, and then Sky just gets annoying. I found myself to start watching his videos less and less.

And now I hate him.

All because of his other idiotic fans. The are only a few people I know of that like Sky and aren't totally retarded. Those are all my thoughts, goodnight, my fellow Minecrafters. I'm off to play some good ol' GMod with my friend.

Sorry if you find any spelling errors, I'm sick, tired, and I need to pee.

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08/06/2014 4:13 pm
Level 46 : Master Magical Girl
ralts's Avatar
Yes, people DO overreact when someone on a server says 'gold' instead of 'budder'.  Also, being banned from a server because you said a simple word; gold, is very immature of the server owner and whoever reported you. Everybody can call it what they want. But if you call it budder/butter, you don't need to punish people for calling it gold.
05/25/2013 1:56 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Creeper Hugger
sergiocast345's Avatar
don't hate sky, hate his fans, there is a small difference tough :/
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