Minecraft Blogs / Other

Black Mesa Status Update #12

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BonnieRobloxRIP's Avatar BonnieRobloxRIP
Level 37 : Artisan Collective
Hey Hey Hey!

It's christmas time!
Sorry for not sharing anything in a very long time. I legit forgot about the existence of this website!

Now. A lot has happened since the last status update
Mainly the fact that the next major area is nearly compete!
Yes ever since the last status update blog i have not moved an inch from progressing any further but in recent days i have started once again.

This is the entire current layout of the map so far...

thanks for the patience because the wait wont be worth it since im an lazy procrastinator and like to take large breaks between work and stuff.... i cannot fix it no matter how hard i try.

join my discord server for other things: discord.gg/fD3spNtjj9

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