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Binjai Interviews 8: MoonAstraea!

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Binjais Group's Avatar Binjais Group
Level 12 : Journeyman Club
We're getting close to 10 interviews! And in today's interview... WE HAVE ONE OF THE FAMOUS PMC ARTISTS!

Please welcome, MoonAstraea!
Hello! I'm MoonAstraea. I'm a skinner, digital artist, and major galaxy/space lover. I've been on PMC for a little over a year now and I've really been enjoying my time here.

How did you get your username?
Funny you should ask. I got my username by combining the name of my persona/what I go by (Moon) and the name of the greek goddess of the stars (Astraea).

I heard you're a big EDM enjoyer. What does EDM mean to you?

Ahh, EDM! You've heard correctly, haha.
It really means a lot to me, being able to really connect to and feel the music, in both my mind and my soul. To me, it's a way of expressing yourself and your emotions, not just music you can dance to.

How did you find PMC?
It's kind of a funny story actually. (I remembered hearing about it once, years ago, but never tried searching for it myself.)
It all started when I was searching around on Google for a skin to use, and none were really what I was looking for. One of the search results was for a reddit post on the Minecraft subreddit, and it was a funny screenshot of the 3d preview of a skin, posted on PMC. The reddit user included a link to the skin, along with the screenshot, and I went to check it out for myself. Since I was already there, I thought “Why not join and see what it's all about?” And so, I made an account right after that. Sadly, I haven't been able to find that post since, but that's what really helped me to find PMC.

This might be a simple question, but do you love art?
Do I? Yes, I do love art. For many, many reasons, but it's just wonderful. :)

Okay, now let's throwback. What were your best creations in 2021?
Ooh, that's a tough question! My best creations would have to be: the current version of my persona, my Fanvember fanskin for Alderleaf, and my Fanvember fanskin for MOLTENONI.

Do you like pineapple pizza?
Haha, I usually try to stay away from such controversial topics, but...I do not. In my honest opinion, pineapple doesn't belong on pizza, but I'm not gonna hate anyone for liking it.

Who are your tour guides in this site?
I have a lot of “tour guides” so to speak, but a few (in my case, more than a few) that usually guide me are: chickenpants93, mcrjellyfish, FishStacks, Shire12, and dreamCritting.

What do you usually do outside PMCing?

I usually tend to just relax and watch Youtube, or if I'm really feeling inspired/motivated, draw and/or skin. If I'm not doing any of those things, I'll listen to music and search google, whether it be relating to art or memes.

Okay, another simple question: do you play Minecraft?

It kinda depends really, haha. I play Minecraft whenever I'm able to, but it's a bit of a pain trying to play, when you've got a potato pc. (At least OptiFine makes it possible to play at all! It's the only actually helpful solution I've found.^^)

Do you have plans for the future?

I do have plans for the future, as far as PMC goes. I would like to find an art style I can stick with, try new ways of skinning, and maybe do more overall in the community. Outside of it, though, I can't say I've got any thought-out plans yet. But, I would like to continue on with art, and eventually become a part-time/full-time digital artist.

Now before we end, what would you like to say to the audience?
I would like to say: Do what you love and love what you do! But, try not to be so hard on yourself, or lose sight of what really matters.

Nothing and nobody is perfect and that's completely alright. It takes time to improve or get to where you want to be, but it's also important to reflect and remember, how you got to where you are today.

Embrace the endless opportunities you may get, express yourself in many ways and allow yourself to both try and fail, while never letting it take you down or consume you!

And here's some spice I would like to add: Among Us EDM
Well that's it guys! Comment or PM me to register as an interviewee on Binjai Asks! See you next interview!

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by binjaigaming 03/06/2022 6:35:39 pmMar 6th, 2022

Added some spice to the blog: it's a new thing to make this interview more fun.

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03/06/2022 7:32 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
MechaMato's Avatar
Hi I am new to PMC pls do not bully me.
02/20/2022 4:41 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Birb Lad
chickenpants93's Avatar
yoo im a tour guide!
Moonastraea is pog! great interview!
02/20/2022 1:53 pm
Level 24 : Expert Artist
shugahhrose's Avatar
this was really interesting! i love these interviews
02/19/2022 11:22 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Magical Girl Imposter
MoonAstraea's Avatar
Thank you for interviewing me! It was a lot of fun and I really enjoyed it. Also, I love how you formatted this interview, it's very pleasing to the eye. :)
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