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Being Alive is Weird...

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AUI80's Avatar AUI80
Level 24 : Expert Birb
Being alive is so weird??


The ability to understand where we fit in the universe??????

The fact we live mediocre lives because of constitutions we founded to control people


i'm not saying it's impossible but a massive heat death of the
universe happening tomorrow and all of our memories, hopes and dreams
being wiped out in one cosmic collapse can happen.

this can all very well be over

would it be a bad thing

a void of nothingness swallowing me up

isnt the way id want to go

but then again people go through things much worse

but why cant the world just end i mean

we are potentially heading to rock bottom as a species

I think complete annihilation of the human race isnt such a bad idea

no other animal hurts us

its just human on human

humans have the power to destroy themselves and every other living creature on this planet

but then again destruction is relative

but isnt everything

nothing here really has a meaning

we are here because we are stuck

pain is also so relative

everything is relative

i mean

if people are so sure of their religions why do they get so butthurt when someone doubts it

surety is also relative so is logic in a way

why do we need logic

logic is so relative

maybe what i consider basic logic

people disagree with

in some cultures its only logical to get married at a young age

so you can have more kids

some cultures find it completely logical to never get married and not have kids

and they are those people who belive that marriage is a pact for life

no one needs a paper to tell them who they love...

this paper does not mean anything

and lack of a paper is almost as significant as the paper itself

mariage and love can be whatever you want it to be

anything can be whatever you want it to be

people lie

this world is full of liars trying to appease each other

i dont lie to people who i care about

but i do lie

about small things

for me small things are my feelings and things that dont matter like what i ate on this day 4 years ago

i lie to my teachers

lying is relative people do it so they dont hurt a person they care about

but for me lying is the worst thing anyone can ever do

i smell lies i sense lies

i could tell everything she lied about

now she either speaks the truth or she dosent speak

thats the way this world should be

i dont mind my feelings hurt

appeasement is great if it is done with dignity

but then again none of this matters as the voids just going to swallow all of us

after awhile living just becomes an pond in an abandoned park somewhere waiting to evaporate

because our life is full of so much nothing

its better to just dissapear than to try to escape this void

this darkness where no ones special

these are just thoughts

dont take it personally

im just diving in to analytical chaos

examining the void i have found myself in, in a matter of hours


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Eli the Zeratoed
05/03/2017 6:51 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
Eli the Zeratoed's Avatar
Deep stuff my friend. Deep. Keep it up, man. :3
09/17/2020 12:38 pm
Level 24 : Expert Birb
AUI80's Avatar
05/01/2017 3:28 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Mage
kleek's Avatar
09/17/2020 12:38 pm
Level 24 : Expert Birb
AUI80's Avatar
04/30/2017 4:48 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Fish
CHorse's Avatar
'lying is relative' Ye mean opinions on lying are relative?

Also noice. Personally I think everything is be relative, nothing matters, we're all going to die. I'm not saying don't do anything, that'd be dumb, but that everything we see is made by you; there is no meaning, don't try to find any, instead make your own meaning in the midst of this.

Also, egocentrism sucks.
04/30/2017 8:33 pm
Level 24 : Expert Birb
AUI80's Avatar
i guess you can think of it that way, thank you for reading!!!
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